Project Name: 100,000-Ton Coal TarDeep-ProcessingCooperationPattern: cooperation, jointventureUndertaker: Jidong LexianCokeoven Company Ltd.LiaisonPerson: Mr. ZhangPostcode:158200Handphone : 13359961109ConstructionContent :Plan toconstruct a production line of annually producing100,000 tons ofcoal tar deep-processing products. Main products areanthracene,naphthalene, bitumen, crude carbolic acid, benzene,toluene andxylene etc.Material Resource:With an area of 360,000 m 2,
theCompany has four coke ovens, two 1.8-million-ton coalcleaningplants, one carbon black plant, one 24,000 KW industrialpowerplant; there are three coal depotition stations and oneaccessrailway in the plant side. The implementation of the projectcannot only produce coke deep-pressing byproducts, but alsoresolvethe problem of superfluous electricity of the industrialpowerplant.Anticipated Investment and Benefit Analysis:TotalInvestment:160 million Yuan (RMB)Production Value : 224 millionYuan(RMB)Profit and Tax: 22 million Yuan (RMB)