Project Name: Development of Acanthopanax MagmaSerialProductsCooperation Pattern: shareUndertaker: New DawnAcanthopanaxBeverage Company Ltd.Liaison Person: ZhangYongjunPostcode:158400Tel\Fax: 0467-5929077 13836560928ConstructionContent: Planto construct a new production line which can reach theproductionscale of annually producing 2500 tons of acanthopanaxmagma, 21.5million ampoules of acanthopanax nutrient solution, 375tons ofnutrient wine, 108 tons of magma beverage and
180,000 boxesofacanthopanax melissa dust.Market Analysis: Construction areais6836 hectares, and its forest percentage of coverage reaches68percent, wild acanthopanax resource is over 20,000 tons andannualacanthopanax material output is 10,000 tons, which can meettherequirement of the project. Acanthopanax magma serial productsareplain natural green health potables, long-term drinking cantonifythe kidney, soothe the nerves, activate bloodcirculation,intenerate and clear blood vessels of heart and brain,increaseflux of blood vessels of heart and brain, enhance immunityfromdisease and improve sleeping quality. Presently, the demandofacanthopanax magma is increasing year after year in theworld;domestic and foreign markets are broad.Anticipated InvestmentandBenefit Analysis:Total Investment: 10.38 million Yuan(RMB)SalesIncome: 36.5 million Yuan (RMB)Profit: 9.77 million Yuan(RMB)Tax:7.17 million Yuan (RMB)