Project Name: Salicylic Acid Serial ProductsCooperationForm:joint venture, cooperationUndertaker: Heilongjiang FendouChemicalPlantLiaison Person: Cong PeiqingPostcode:158305Tel\Fax:0467-5223093Project Approval Stage: approved byDevelopmentPlanning Committee of Mishan CityConstructionContent:Reconstructing and extending the original salicylic acidandaspirin production lines to produce products includeaceticanhydride and coumarin etc. With the improvement of peopleslivingst
andard, the market of the products is of great potential.Theproduction line occupies a workshop of Fendou Chemical Plant,andthe area of the workshop is 20,000 m 2 , among which buildingareais 10,000 m 2 . The factory has some production equipmentsandcomplete supporting facilities of water andelectricity.AnticipatedInvestment and Benefit Analysis:TotalInvestment: 170 million Yuan(RMB)Sales Income: 213 million Yuan(RMB)Profit: 42.6 million Yuan(RMB)Tax: 21.3 million Yuan (RMB)