Project Name: Rebuilding of Lactic Acid andCrystallineDextroseCooperation Form: joint venture,exclusiveinvestmentConstruction Unit: Jixi TianyiBiologicalsFactoryUndertaker: Investment Inviting Bureau ofHengshanDistrictLiaison Persons: Wang Yumei , LiWeiliPostalcode:158120Tel\Fax: 0467 — 2567388E-mail :hsq_zsb@tom.comConstructionContent: Annually producing 20,000 tonsof cornstarches, 3000 tonsof lactic acid and 20,000 tons ofcrystalline dextrose.Materialsand Market: Lact
ic acid is a kind ofimportant organic acid whichis widely used in spice industry, beerbrewing industry, ethyllactate production, acid agent,preservative, petrochemicalindustry, cigarette and leatherindustries etc. The stock of cornin Jixi is over 300,000 tons,which can meet productiondemand.Anticipated Investment and BenefitAnalysis:TotalInvestment: 58 million Yuan (RMB)Production Value: 70million Yuan(RMB)Profit: 13 million Yuan (RMB)Tax: 8.1 million Yuan(RMB)