Project Name: Production Line of Annually Producing 10,000 TonsofEmulsive ExplosiveCooperation Form: jointventure,cooperationUndertaker: Heilongjiang Fendou ChemicalPlantLiaisonPerson: Cong PeiqingPostcode: 158300Tel\Fax:0467-5223093ProjectApproval Stage: approved by Dvelopment PlanningCommittee of MishanCityConstruction Content: Emulsive explosive isa new type ofhydrous explosive with marked characteristics ofwater-resistantand antiknoking; its performance would improver
emarkably if itwere madeotnipowder explosive. It is a kind ofnontoxic andpollution free product as well as the new generation ofproductreplacing the older ones in the civil explosion trade, andit sellswell in the market. The production line occupies a workshopof thestate-owned Fendou Chemical Plant with an area of 23,000 m 2,among which workshop area is 20,000 m 2 , conditions areexcellentand now the plant is in production.Construction Scale:Annualoutput is 12,000 tons.Anticipated Investment andBenefitAnalysis:Total Investment: 41 million Yuan (RMB)SalesIncome: 57.6million Yuan (RMB)Profit: 14.4 million Yuan (RMB)Tax: 6millionYuan (RMB)