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http://whmsebhyy.com 2005年06月22日 17:50 商務部網站

  項目編號: GJZB_NO.4484項目名稱: 固體廢物管理項目國 家: 波斯尼亞類 屬: 供水/衛生資金支持: 世界銀行摘要:一般性采購貸款/信貸號碼: 信貸號:3672-BOS合同/投標號碼:發布日期:2005-06-22截止日期:1900-01-01項目介紹:This is an update of the generalprocurement noticepublished in UN Development Business No. 632 of16 June 2004.TheGovernment of Bosnia and Herzegovina has received acredit from theInternational Development Association (IDA) in theamount of US$ 18million equivalent toward t
he cost of the SolidWaste ManagementProject, and it intends to apply the proceeds ofthis credit topayments for goods, works, related services andconsulting servicesto be procured under this project.The projectwill include thefollowing components: (i) waste managementconsisting ofrehabilitation of existing disposal sites; wild dumpclosures;collection infrastructure and support equipment; andtransferstations; (ii) institutional strengthening of communityactivitiesfor efficient operation of solid waste system as well asstrengthenpublic education program; and device a Governmentstrategic planfor medium-term development of the SWM system; and(iii)engineering services/technical assistance which willfinancefeasibility studies, environmental and social assessmentsoflandfill sites yet to be identified; and finance pretion offinaldesigns and bidding documents.Procurement of contractsfinanced bythe credit will be conducted through the proceduresspecified inthe World Bank抯 Guidelines: Procurement under IBRDLoans and IDACredits, January 1995 (revised January and August 1996and Septr1997) and January 1999, and is open to all bidders fromeligiblesource countries as defined in the guidelines. Consultingserviceswill be selected in accordance with the World Bank抯Guidelines:Selection and Employment of Consultants by World BankBorrowers,January 1997 (revised Septr 1997) and January1999.Specificprocurement notices for contracts to be bid under theWorld Bank抯international competitive bidding (ICB) procedures andforlarge-value consultants?contracts will be announced, as theybecomeavailable, in UN Development Business and inlocalnewspapers.Interested eligible bidders who wish to be includedonthe mailing list to receive an invitation to bid underICBprocedures, and interested consultants who wish to receive acopyof the advertisement requesting expressions of interestforlarge-value consultants?contracts, or those requiringadditionalinformation, should contact the addressesbelow.Contact:(1)Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.Ministry ofPhysical Planningand Environment.Attn: Minister RamizMehmedagic.Marsala Tita 9a,Sarajevo, Bosnia andHerzegovina.Tel/Fax: (387-33) 667-801,212-833.E-mail:fmobnova@bih.net.ba .(2) Ministry of PhysicalPlaning, CivilEngineering and Environment.Attn: Minister MuhamedLisic.Trg SrpskihJunaka 4, Banja Luka.Bosnia and Herzegovina,Republic of Srpska.Tel:(387-51) 215-511.Fax: (387-51)215-548.E-mail:mgr@mgr.vladars.netNotice Number:WB1828-658/05



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