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http://whmsebhyy.com 2005年06月22日 17:50 商務部網站

  項目編號: GJZB_NO.4104項目名稱: 東北部地區住房改造項目國 家: 斯里蘭卡發布日期:2005-04-11截止日期:2009-06-30項目介紹:Sector:IndustryDate Approved:14 Decr2004TotalCost:US$ 77 millionMain Financing Source:IDA (US$75million)Additional Financing: Borrower (US$ 2million)CompletionDate:30 June 2009Implementing Agencies:Ministryof Relief,Rehabilitation and Reconciliation, Sri Lankatives andDetion:TheNorth East Housing Reconstruction Program for Sri Lankawillfacilitate the reconst
ruction of 46,000 houses in the NorthEastover a four-year period through the provision of housingsupportcash grants. In doing so, it would support the return ofdisplacedpopulations in the North East and the regularization ofland titleto targeted beneficiaries. The project has the followingthreecomponents: Component (1) IDA will initially finance thiscomponentin full. North East Housing Reconstruction Program (NEHRP)willsupport the reconstruction of 46,000 houses including36,800fully-damaged houses and 9,200 partly-damaged houses in theNorthEast over a four year period. Component (2) Capacity BuildingandMonitoring: US$2.72 million. IDA will initially financethiscomponent in full. NEHRP offers a comprehensivetechnicalassistance program to upgrade implementation capacity.Component(3) will be partly financed by IDA for US$2.7 million.TheGovernment will finance the rest. The nature of thehousingreconstruction program, is scale, coverage area, and theconditionof beneficiaries require that an effective programmanagement andmonitoring system be in place to ensure smooth andsuccessfulimplementation.Procurement:Works: NEHRP would entailcivil worksthat include the reconstruction of 46,000 houses. If thephysicaldamage of a house exceeds 60 per cent, the Government willprovidethe beneficiary a cash grant of Rs. 150,000. The Governmentwillprovide a cash grant of Rs. 70,000 to a beneficiary whose househadsuffered partial damage. The Government will pay the cash grantsininstallments based on physical progress in civil works. Theendbeneficiary will be fully responsible for all procurement actionofthe grant. Goods: Goods procured under NEHRP would includeofficeequipment such as vehicles, motorcycles, photocopiers,officefurniture, equipment for the MIS component such ascomputers,printers, UPS, communication equipment, software for theDPU,divisional secretaries and other implementing agencies.Wherepossible and applicable, community based organizations suchasVillage Rehabilitation Committees (VRCs) may facilitatetheprocurement of construction material throughcommunity-basedprocurement of building materials to obtain betterprices andquality assurance on behalf of the beneficiary. SelectionofConsultants: Consultancies for the program include:*Technicalaudit of construction *Support to partner organizations*Technicalfees for partner organizations *Communications campaign*Continuoussocial impact assessment *Study for housing finance*Skillstraining for construction labor *Follow-up EnvironmentalImpactAssessment Shortlists of consultants for services estimatedto costless than US$ 500,000 equivalent per contract may becomposedentirely of national consultants in accordance with theprovisionsof graph 2.7 of the Consultant Guidelines.



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