項目編號: GJZB_NO.4476項目名稱: 司法改革項目國 家: 亞美尼亞類 屬: 信息技術資金支持: 世界銀行摘要:IT設備貸款/信貸號碼: 信貸號:3417-AM合同/投標號碼:發布日期:2005-06-21截止日期:2005-08-01項目介紹:This invitation for bids follows thegeneralprocurement notice that appeared in UN Development BusinessNo. 649of 28 February 2005.The Republic of Armenia has received acreditfrom the International Development Association (IDA) towardthecost of the Judicial Reform Project, and it int
ends to applypartof the credit proceeds to payments under the contract/s forITequipment to automate pilot courts (contractJR/G1/001).TheJudicial Reform Project Implementation Unit StateInstitution nowinvites sealed bids from eligible bidders for thefollowing ITequipment for the mentioned Pilot courts located inYerevan andother regions of Armenia:· Servers 512MB, 3.2 GHz (7sets)· Servers521MB, 3.0 GHz (7sets)· Workstations 512MB, 3.0 GHz(80 sets)·Workstations 512MB, 2.8GHz (80 sets)· Monitors LCD, 15inches (174sets)· Printers Laser technology, min. 18ppm (94 sets)·PrintersLaser Technology, min. 28 ppm (7 sets)· Scanners/DigitalSenders128MB, 533MHz (7sets)· Desktop Digital Copiers Lasertechnology,min 20/10 ppm A4/A3 (3sets)· Desktop Digital CopiersLasertechnology, min 15 ppm A4 (4sets)· UPS 1500VA/980W (14sets)Anypotential bidder must meet the following criteria:(i) Itmust haveminimum five years experience in manufacturing and/orsupplying asimilar type of goods(ii) It must have not less thanfour contractsfor similar delivery each valued not less than bidprice for period2003-2005(iii) It must have authorized personnel inArmeniaresponsible for installing the goods supplied and itsmaintenancewithin warranty period or will indicate plans in theirBids forensuring authorized personnel will be in place within 1month ofsigning Contract(iv) A reference letter issued by a localBank inthe country of the supplier certifying good financialstanding ofthe bidderBidding will be conducted through theinternationalcompetitive bidding procedures specified in the WorldBank抯Guidelines: Procurement under IBRD Loans and IDA Credits,January1995 (revised in January and August 1996, Septr 1997 andJanuary1999) and is open to all bidders from eligible sourcecountries asdefined in the guidelines. The most current listing ofeligiblecountries can be viewed on the Public Information Center抯Web pageat: http://www.worldbank.org/html/pic/PROCURE.html. Forgoodsmanufactured in the territory of the Republic of Armeniadomesticpreferences in margin not exceeding 15 per cent may applyas inaccordance with the graphs 2.54 and 2.55 and Appendix 2 oftheguidelines.Interested eligible bidders may obtainfurtherinformation from and inspect the bidding documents at theJudicialReform Project Implementation Unit State Institution at theaddressbelow from 0900 to 1800 hours (local time).A complete setofbidding documents in English may be purchased by interestedbidderson the submission of a written application to the addressbelow andupon payment of a nonrefundable fee of US$ 75 or itsequivalent inAMD. The method of payment will be direct deposit tothe account No001-124346-003 at HSBC Bank Armenia, SWIFT CODE:MIDLAM 22,Beneficiary: JRPIU. The document will be sent by airmailorsurface.Complete set of bidding documents may be purchasedstarting15 June 2005.Bids must be delivered to the address below by1500hours (local time) on 1 August 2005, and be accompanied byasecurity amount of not less than US$ 15,000 or an equivalentinfreely convertible currency. They will be openedimmediatelythereafter, in the presence of bidders who choose toattend, at thesame address. Late bids will berejected.Contact:Judicial ReformProject Implementation Unit StateInstitution.Ministry of Justiceof the Republic of Armenia.Attn: Mr.Artur Tunyan, PIU Director.3V. Sargsyan St.Yerevan 375010Armenia.Tel: (374-10) 545-684.Fax:(374-10) 545-683.E-mail:jrpiu@arminco.comNoticeNumber:WB1805-657/05