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http://whmsebhyy.com 2005年06月21日 17:38 商務部網站

  項目編號: GJZB_NO.4477項目名稱: 廣西省城市環境項目國 家: 中國類 屬: 其他資金支持: 世界銀行摘要:一般性采購貸款/信貸號碼: 信貸號:3097-CHA合同/投標號碼:發布日期:2005-06-21截止日期:1900-01-01項目介紹:This is an update of the generalprocurement noticepublished in IN Development Business No. 604 of16 April 2003.ThePeople’s Republic of China has received a loanfrom theInternational Bank for Reconstruction and Development inthe amountof US$ 72 million equivalent as well as a cr
edit fromtheInternational Development Association in the amount of US$20million equivalent toward the cost of the Guangxi UrbanEnvironmentProject. The proceeds of the loan and the credit isintended forthe payment of goods, works and consulting servicesprocured underthis project.The procurement for 2005 under theproject willconsist of the following ICB packages:· Contract No.NMG/8.0project: Vehicle of Nanning Jiangnan Wastewater TreatmentPlant;detion: Vehicle of Nanning Jiangnan Wastewater TreatmentPlant;category: Eqt; procurement: ICB· Contract No. NMG/9.0project: GISSystem of Nanning Sewerage Company; detion: Vehicle ForNanningJiangnan Wastewater Treatment Plant; category: Eqt;procurement:ICB· Contract No. GMT/4.0 project: Guilin Jiashan SolidWasteTransfer Station; detion: Civil works,Supply and InstallationofJiashan Solid Waste Transfer Station in Guilin;category:CW&Eqt; procurement: ICB· Contract No. GMG/2.0project:Equipment supply of Guilin solid waste transfer system;detion:Equipment supply of solid waste transfer system inGuilin;category: Eqt; procurement: ICB· Contract No. GMG/6.0Dproject:Institutional strengthening of Guilin environmentalprotectionbureau; detion: Environmental protection monitoringinstruments;category: Eqt; procurement: ICBProcurement for ICBpackages underNanning component will be handled by InternationalTenderingCompany of China National Instruments Import and ExportCo. whilethat under Guilin components by International TenderingCompany ofChina National Machinery Import and Export Co., inaccordance withinternational competitive bidding procedures underthe World Bankprocurement guidelines. Bidders are advised to payattention to theadvertisement for the invitation for possiblyPrequalificationdocuments and for ICB bids, to be issued in ChinaDaily. Suppliersand contractors may contact the addressbelow.Procurement ofcontracts financed by the loan/credit will beconducted through theprocedures specified in the World Bank抯Guidelines: Procurementunder IBRD Loans and IDA Credits, January1995 (revised January andAugust 1996, Septr 1997, and January1999), and is open to allbidders from eligible source countries asdefined in theguidelines. Consulting services will be selected inaccordance withthe World Bank抯 Guidelines: Selection and Employmentof Consultantsby World Bank Borrowers, January 1997 (revised Septr1997, January1999 and May 2002).Specific procurement notices forcontracts to bebid under the World Bank抯 international competitivebidding (ICB)procedures and for large-value consultants?contractswill beannounced, as they become available, in UN DevelopmentBusinessand/or China Daily.Interested eligible bidders who wish tobeincluded on the mailing list to receive an invitation to bidunderICB procedures, and interested consultants who wish to receiveacopy of the advertisement requesting expressions of interestforlarge-value consultants?contracts, or those requiringadditionalinformation, should contact the addressbelow.Contact:Guangxi UrbanEnvironmental Project Office.Attn:Director .5th Jiaoyu Rd.Nanning,Guangxi, PR China.Tel/Fax: (86-771)531-8670, 531-7352.E-mail:guepo1@public.nn.gx.cnNoticeNumber:WB1800-657/05



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