項目編號: GJZB_NO.4474項目名稱: 道路項目國 家: 波蘭類 屬: 咨詢服務資金支持: 世界銀行摘要:咨詢服務貸款/信貸號碼: 貸款號:4236-POL合同/投標號碼:發布日期:2005-06-21截止日期:2005-08-01項目介紹:This request for expressions ofinterest follows thegeneral procurement notice that appeared in UNDevelopment BusinessNo. 556 of 16 April 2001.The Ministry ofInfrastructure hasreceived a loan from the International Bank forReconstruction andDevelopment (IBRD) toward the cost of the Roads
II Project, andintends to apply part of the proceeds for consultantservices.Theservices include a comprehensive advisory for theMinister ofInfrastructure, who acts through the Management Board ofPKP S.A.and intends to carry out privatization of the PKPIntercitySp.z.o.o. by sale of ownership centers to thirdparties.Selectedconsultant will prepare a pre-privatizationanalyses in compliancewith the Polish legislation binding PKP S.A.,privatizationstrategy for the Company and upon the written requestby theMinister will draw up an information memorandum of theCompany(Phase I). In accordance with the subsequent decision oftheClient, the advisor may consult in the process of sellingownershipcenters of the Company (Phase II).The Minister ofInfrastructureacting through the Management Board of PKP S.A. nowinviteseligible consultants to indicate their interest in providingtheservices. Interested consultants must provideinformationindicating that they are qualified to perform theservices(brochures, detion of similar assignments, experience insimilarconditions including experience in privatization projectsexecutedwithin the last five years, availability of appropriateskillsamong staff, etc). Consultants may associate to enhancetheirqualifications. Inpuorgto fulfill the expectations of theClient,the consultants should have an appropriate experience in theareaof investment banking services.A consultant will be selectedinaccordance with the procedures set out in the WorldBank’sGuidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants by WorldBankBorrowers, January 1997 (revised Septr 1997, January 1999 andMay2002).Expressions of interest must be in printed format andshouldnot exceed 30 pages. Expressions of interest in electronicversionwill not be considered.Interested consultants may obtainfurtherinformation at the address below, from 1000 to 1500 hours(localtime).One original copy of the expressions of interest inEnglishand three copies in Polish must be delivered in a sealedenvelopewith a note Expressions of Interest PKP IntercitySp.z.o.o. tothe address below by 1400 hours (local time) on 1August2005.Contact:Polish State Railways JointStockCompany.Headquarters.Privatization Office.Attn: TomaszPapis,Director.62 Szczesliwicka St.00-973 Warsaw, Poland.Tel:(48-22)474-9144, 474-9350.Fax: (48-22) 474-9158.e-mail:t.papis@pkp.pl.Website: www.pkp.plNotice Number:WB1822-657/05