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http://whmsebhyy.com 2005年06月21日 17:38 商務部網(wǎng)站

  項目編號: GJZB_NO.4082項目名稱: 環(huán)境和社會經(jīng)濟改造項目國 家: 羅馬尼亞發(fā)布日期:2005-04-06截止日期:2010-05-31項目介紹:Sector:MinesDate Approved:16 Decr2004Total Cost:US$149.50 millionMain Financing Source:IBRD (US$120million)Additional Financing: Borrower (US$29.50million)Completion Date:31 May 2010ImplementingAgencies:Ministryof Economy and Commerce, 152, Calea Victoriei,Bucharest,Romaniatives and Detion:The Romania Mine Closure,Environmental andScio-Economic Regeneration
Project aims tostrengthen theGovernment’s ability to undertake mining sectorreform by (1)building the capacity of the Ministry of Economy andCommerce forclosing uneconomic mining enterprises through supportfor closingcomplex mines and ancillary enterprises in anenvironmentallysustainable manner; and (2) providing support to theNationalAgency for Development and Implementation ReconstructionProgramsfor the Mining Regions, local communities, and otheragencies forcommunity-based planning and socio-economicregeneration of themining regions. The project consists of twocomponents: ComponentA, Mine Closure and Environment Improvements,and Component B,Socio-Economic Regeneration ofMiningCommunities.Procurement:Works: Works procured under thisproject,would include (a) mine closure and environmentalremediationcontracts, (b) contracts financed by the Bank under theMunicipalInfrastructure sub-component, (c) minor works (below US$100,000)procured under the SDSMC sub-component, and (d) very smallworks(below US$ 6,000) procured under the Small Grant Scheme(SGS)sub-component. The procurement will be done using theBank’sStandard Bidding Documents (SBD). For the contracts procuredunderSDSMC component, the beneficiaries will use the SDSMCOperationalManual, which was earlier reviewed and cleared by theBank(procurement under this sub-component will be done usingsamearrangements as under the ongoing RSDF 11and RuralDevelopmentProjects.) For the SGS sub-component, procurement willbe conductedin accordance with the ECA Region’s manual for verysmallprocurement, whose procedures shall be reflected in theSGSOperational Manual. Goods: Goods procured under this projectwouldinclude procurement of office equipment for the PMU and forthePMU-SER, procurement of vehicles, and procurement ofcommonequipment for Workspace Centers. The procurement will be doneusingBank’s SBD for all ICB, NCB and Shopping SBD agreed with(orsatisfactory to) the Bank. Procurement for SDSMC andSGSsub-components will be conducted in accordance with theSDSMCOperational Manual and SGS Operational Manualrespectively.Selection of Consultants: Consulting services underthe projectwill include various technical assistance contracts andalsomultiple small contracts under SDSMC and SGS sub-components.Shortlists of consultants for services estimated to cost less thanUS$200,000 equivalent per contract may be composed entirelyofnational consultants in accordance with the provisions of graph2.7of the Consultant Guidelines. Selection of consultants underSDSMCand SGS sub-components will be conducted in accordance withtheSDSMC Operational Manual and SGS OperationalManualrespectively



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