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http://whmsebhyy.com 2005年06月17日 23:23 商務部網站

0萬畝速生林基地,能滿足項目建設需求。五、項目總投資及資金來源總投資31600萬美元。六、市場及經濟效益分析預測新增熱磨機械漿20萬噸,年銷售收入13398萬美元,利稅434萬美元;新增膠版印刷紙30萬噸,利潤4500萬美元。七、合作方式合資。八、聯系方式聯系地址:山東省兗州市西關大街66號郵政編碼:272100聯系人:陳昭軍 林憲偉聯系電話:0086-537-3658710 3658713傳真:0086-537-3633489網址:www.sunpapergroup.comShandong Sun Paper MakingJoint Stock Co.,Ltd. thermo mechanical pulp and offset printingpaper project(total investment 316 million USD)1. ProjectnameShandong Sun PaperMaking Joint Stock Co., Ltd. ThermoMechanical Pulp and OffsetPrinting Paper Project2. Briefintroduction to the projectunitShandong Sun Paper Making JointStock Co.,Ltd. is the largestmanufacturer of high class coatedpacking board in China. TheCompany possesses the total assets of 4billion yuan, an employmentof 7000 and an annual productioncapacity of 1 million tons. It hasa generating unit capacity of 150megawatt and a base offast-growing trees of 200,000 mu.3. Projectcontents andconstruction scaleNewly build 200,000 ton/yearbleaching chemicalthermo mechanical pulp (BCTMP) project to meetthe demand of400,000 ton/year white board/white cardboard project.Import worldadvanced process technology and equipment to build pulppretionworkshop and paper making workshop for yearly producing 300,000tons of offset printing paper.4. Construction conditionsTheCompanyhas built a raw material base of 200,000 mu of fast-growingtreesfor the production line, satisfactory to theprojectconstruction.5. Total project investment and fundresourcesThetotal investment is 316 million US dollars.6. Marketand financialbenefit analysis and forecastNewly add a capacity of200,000 tonsof thermo mechanical pulp with an annual sales incomeof 133.98million US dollars and profit and tax of 4.34 million USdollars;and a capacity of 300,000 tons offset printing paper with aprofitof 45 million US dollars.7. Cooperation formJoint venture8.Meansof contactAdd:66 Xiguan Street, Yanzhou City,ShandongPostcode:272100Person to contact: Chen Shaojun, LinXianweiTel:+86-537-3658710 3658713Fax:+86-537-3633489http:www.sunpapergroup.com (信息來源:濟寧市地方商務之窗)



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