項目編號: GJZB_NO.4440項目名稱: 農村環境項目國 家: 阿塞拜疆類 屬: 環境貸款總額:(單位:百萬美元)發布日期: 2005-06-14 工程類別:項目介紹:進展階段:Negotiationscompleted.Board presentation was scheduled for 9 June 2005.詳細介紹:Thetive ofthe project is to improve biodiversity conservation andintroducesustainable natural resource management and economicactivities intwo mountainous areas to restore their ecologicalhealth andproductivity. Negotiations completed. Board presentati
onwasscheduled for 9 June 2005. Environmental AssessmentCategory:Environmental Assessment Category B. PID: 66199. US$ US$8.0/5.0(IDA/GEF). Consultants will be required. ProjectImplementationUnit31, Istiglaliyyat St., Baku, Azerbaijan, Contact:Mr. RuslanAjalov, Director. Tel: (994-12) 496-6863. Fax: (994-12)492-6863E-mail: ruslan@ecology-piu.org