項目編號: GJZB_NO.4415項目名稱: 農(nóng)村財政服務(wù)項目國 家: 加納類 屬: 咨詢服務(wù)資金支持: 世界銀行摘要:咨詢服務(wù)貸款/信貸號碼: 信貸號:3374 GH合同/投標(biāo)號碼:發(fā)布日期:2005-06-10截止日期:2005-06-30項目介紹:This request for expressions ofinterest follows thegeneral procurement notice for this projectthat appeared in UNDevelopment Business No. 561 of June 30,2001.The Government of theRepublic of Ghana has obtained a creditfrom the InternationalDevelopment Association (IDA), Internati
onalFund for AgriculturalDevelopment (IFAD) and African DevelopmentBank (AfDB), toward thecost of the Rural Financial Services Projectand intends to applypart of the proceeds of the credit to paymentsunder the contractfor Consulting Services for the Implementation ofVirtual PrivateNetwork (VPN) Across Apex Bank and Rural Bankssites.The servicesinvolve the following:· 1. Review the VPN Designdocument availablewith the Bank.· 2. Review the communication needsof the ARB ApexBank and the Rural Banks for real-time on-line andbatchtransaction processing, voice communication and videoconferencingand the cost effective technology (technologies) to bedeployed forthe WAN connectivity of the Bank after consideringcommunicationrequirements and available infrastructure.· 3. Preparetechnicalspecifications for the WAN implementation bidding document(inaccordance with World Bank Procurement Procedures)· 4. PrepareSLAto be executed with Service Provider(s)· 5. Prepare a work planforimplementation of the Wide Area Network based on therequirements.·6. Prepare the evaluation criteria for evaluationproposalsreceived.· 7. Assist the Bank in evaluation and selectionof thevendor.· 8. Prepare and maintain the project plan inco-ordinationwith the identified Wide Area Network vendor and ICTDepartment ofthe Bank.· 9. Monitor the project progress: assist theBank intimely completion of the Wide Area Network Connectivityproject bysupervising project execution.· 10. Submit a monthlystatus reporton the project progress.· 11. Checklist and acceptancecriteria forthe project.· 12. The Consultant should ensure theacceptance ofthe work completed by the vendor.· 13. Prepare WideArea Securityand usage policy for the Bank.· 14. Advise Rural Bankson specificrequest on the selection of appropriate technology forconnectingthe Rural Bank抯 head office and its agencies.TheProjectCoordinating Unit of the Rural Financial Project acting onbehalfof the ARB Apex Bank Limited now invites eligible ConsultancyFirmsto indicate their interest in providing the consultingservices.Interested consultants must provide information indicatingthatthey are qualified to perform the services including detionofsimilar assignments, experience under similarconditions,availability of appropriate skills etc.The Consultantswill beselected in accordance with procedures set out in the WorldBank抯Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants by WorldBankBorrowers, January 1997 (revised Septr 1997, January 1999 andMay2002). Interested Consultants may obtain further information attheaddress below from 08.00 to 17.00 hours eachworkingday.Eligibility of bidders: Interested consultants mustprovideinformation indicating that they are qualified to performtheservices including detion of similar assignments, experienceundersimilar conditions, availability of appropriateskills,etc.Expressions of interest must be delivered to the addressbelowby June 30, 2005This is a re-advertisement of the earlieradvert onMarch 22, 2005.Contact:The Project Coordinator,.RuralFinancialServices Project.Bank of Ghana.PO Box GP 2674.Cedi House7th FloorRoom 711.Accra, Ghana.Tel: (233-21) 665-279, 665-667.Fax:(233-21)660-865Notice Number:WB1737-657/02