項目編號: GJZB_NO.4417項目名稱: 公共部門建設項目國 家: 盧旺達類 屬: 公共管理資金支持: 世界銀行摘要:一般性采購貸款/信貸號碼:合同/投標號碼:發布日期: 2005-06-10截止日期:1900-01-01項目介紹:TheRepublic of Rwanda has received financing in theamount of US$20,000,000 equivalent from the World Bank toward thecost of thePublic Sector Capacity Building Project (PSCBP), and itintends toapply part of the proceeds to payments for goods, works,relatedservices and consulting services to
be procured under thisproject.This project will be jointly financed by the AfricanCapacityBuilding Foundation (ACBP).The project includes thefollowing fivecomponents as follows:A. ProgramCoordinationProvision ofoperational support for effective ning ofHRCBA, including thefollowing: (i) Staffing; (ii) Acquisition ofequipment and carryingout of small works for rehabilitation ofspace; (iii) Developmentof data collection and management system;(iv) Establishment ofmonitoring and evaluation framework; (v)Development ofinformation, education, and communication program forpublic sectorand civil society in respect of the Program; (vi)Development ofdonor coordination mechanism in area of humanresource and capacitybuilding, including establishment of basketfund and harmonizedrules of engagement and financial management,disbursement, andprocurement guidelines, and (vii) Ensure financialmanagement andprocurement capacity of Participating MDAs, andsupervision oftheir financial management and procurementarrangements andactivities as needed.B. Human ResourceDevelopment1. Provision ofTechnical advisory services to HRCBA andMIFOTRA, including in thefollowing areas: (a) development of sectorpolicy and operationalguidelines on human resource and capacitybuilding; (b) training ofMDAs in areas of leadership, changemanagement, strategic planning,human resource management, andperformance management, and (c)piloting of scheme (RwandanExpertise Scheme) in Participating MDAsto fill vacant positions ofhigh priority in the public sector.2.Provision of technicaladvisory services and training to MIFOTRAfor implementation ofpublic services pay reform and evaluation ofimpact of such reformon recruitment and retention of qualifiedstaff. Provision oftechnical advisory services and training toMIFOTRA for awarenessraising and consensus-building around suchreform.3. Acquisition ofequipment, carrying out of small works forrehabilitation of spaceand provision of technical advisoryservices and training forcapacity building of up to five localprofessional traininginstitutions.C. Cross-Cutting Public SectorReforms1. Provision oftechnical advisory Services and training forcapacity building ofMDAs in support of implementation of Borrower抯Public FinancialManagement Capacity Building and Technical InputPlan and CPAR-basedaction plan.2. Provision of equipment,technical advisory services,and training in the following areas insupport of the Public SectorReform Strategy of the Borrower:(a)Decentralization of publicservice delivery and development ofpublic-private-civil societypartnerships: (i) to MIFOTRA fordevelopment of legal framework forsuch partnerships; (ii) to MDAsfor carrying out of nal reviewsrelating to decentralization andcontracting out of services, andfor implementation of findings ofsuch reviews; and (iii) to MIFOTRAfor refinement of legalframework for decentralization.(b)Development of service deliverydirectories in all ministries,departments, and agencies ofBorrower, and of system of monitoringand evaluation of servicedelivery standards of ministries,departments, and agencies of theBorrower.3. Provision of equipment,technical advisory services,and training to Participating MDAs andother relevant agency of theBorrower for development andimplementation of comprehensivenational monitoring and evaluationframework system.D. StrategicPlanning1. Provision of equipment,technical advisory services, andtraining to Participating MDAs fordevelopment of strategic,annual, and capacity building plans;2.Establishment of fund(Agency Performance Fund) to supportimplementation and monitoringand evaluation of such plans;3.Provision of equipment, technicaladvisory services, and training toMrs of Parliament andParliamentary staff of Borrower in followingareas: (a) executiveoversight, policy analysis, and legislationdrafting; (budgetapproval ad oversight, including journalists insuch training; (b)budget approval and oversight, includingjournalists in suchtraining; (c) organizational effectiveness,including throughactivities Parts B.1(b) and C.1 of the Project;(d) development andimplementation of public outreach campaign inrespect of activitiesof Parliament, and (e) collaboration withcivil society.E.Information and Communications Technology (ICT)1.(a) provision oftechnical advisory services to RITA for the pretionof ICT policy,for dissemination of such policy to MDAs of Borrower,and forprovision of assistance to MININFRA for implementation ofandevaluation of other MDAs?compliance with such policy; and(b)development by RITA of website on such policy;2. (a) provisionoftechnical advisory services and training in area of ICTtoParticipating MDAs; and (b) establishment of fund tocreate,finance, and oversee 10 entry level ICT jobs in publicsectorentities each year for the first three years of theProject.3. (a)carrying out of assessment of ICT equipment andskills ofParticipating MDAs, and provision of ICT equipment andtraining toParticipating MDAs on the basis of such assessment;(b)identification and capacity building of entity to provideICThardware maintenance and repair to MDAs of Borrower; and(c)introduction and upgrading, as applicable, of websitesofParticipating MDAs.Consultancy services are expected in:(i)ProcessConsultancy Services under Component One to ensure that theAgencybecomes fully operational and can meet the tives defined inthePSCBP and respond to the demands that will be placed on theAgencyby the different stakeholders;(ii) Capacity Buildinginitiativesunder Participating MDAs such as the Ministry of FinanceandEconomic Planning (MINECOFIN), Ministry of Public Service,SkillsDevelopment and Labor (MIFOTRA), the Parliament, theNationalTender Board (NTB) and the Rwanda Institute ofAdministration andManagement (RIAM). The priority actions aredescribed as follows:·Support to the on going Public Sector ReformStrategy, particularlynal reviews of MDAs· InstitutionalRestructuring through skillsassessment audit, training andtechnical assistance as appropriate·Initiate process of preparing apolicy on Human Resource andCapacity Development Policy·Development and dissemination ofService Delivery Directories·Support to the establishment of theChief Internal Auditor· Supportto the Public Accounts office·Support to the FinancialAccountability Review and Action Plan(FARAP)· Development of anoperational and comprehensive NationalMonitoring and EvaluationSystem.· Development of a program fortraining senior civil servantsin leadership, strategic planningand management· Support to theestablishment of an Institute ofPolicy Research in Rwanda·Strengthening the public procurementsystem· Policy analysis supportto Rwanda National Assembly andSenate· Development of a program tostrengthen the capacity oflocal Training Institutions includingtraining of trainers andimprovement of curricula andmaterials.Rehabilitation andTransformation works and associatedservices will also be carriedout for the HIDA and RIAM officefacilities and Vehicles and ITEquipment will be procured for HIDAand the selected ParticipatingMDAs.Procurement of contractsfinanced by the World Bank will beconducted through the proceduresas specified in the World Bank抯Guidelines: Procurement under IBRDLoans and IDA Credits, currentedition, and is open to all eligiblebidders as defined in theguidelines. Consulting services will beselected in accordance withthe World Bank抯 Guidelines: Selectionand Employment of Consultantsby World Bank Borrowers, currentedition.Specific procurementnotices for contracts to be bid underthe World Bank抯 internationalcompetitive bidding (ICB) proceduresand for contracts forconsultancy services will be announced, asthey become available,in UN Development Business, dgMarket, the NewTimes and IMVAHONshya local newspapers.Interested eligible bidderswho wish to beincluded on the mailing list to receive invitationstoprequalify/bid under ICB procedures, and interested consultantswhowish to receive a copy of advertisement requesting expressionsofinterest for consultancy contracts, or those requiringadditionalinformation, should contact the addressbelow.Contact:HIDA.HumanResources and Institutional CapacityBuilding Agency.Attn: TheProcurement Management Specialist.PO Box3699.Kigali, Rwanda.Tel:(250) 501-999, 501-998.Fax: (250)502-109.E-mail:mscbpsecretariat@mscbp.rwNoticeNumber:WB1719-657/05