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http://whmsebhyy.com 2005年06月08日 18:51 商務(wù)部網(wǎng)站

  項(xiàng)目編號(hào): GJZB_NO.4394項(xiàng)目名稱: 供水部門(mén)改進(jìn)項(xiàng)目國(guó) 家: 萊索托類(lèi) 屬: 咨詢服務(wù)資金支持: 世界銀行摘要:環(huán)境咨詢貸款/信貸號(hào)碼: 信貸號(hào):3995-LSO合同/投標(biāo)號(hào)碼:發(fā)布日期:2005-06-08截止日期:2005-06-25項(xiàng)目介紹:The Government of the Kingdom ofLesotho hasreceived a credit from the International DevelopmentAssociation(IDA), and intends to apply part of the proceeds of thiscredit topayments under the contract for the EnvironmentalAssistanceConsultancy Services.The contract is to proacti
velymanage thesocial and biophysical environmental issues relevant toall projectcomponents.The services under this consultancy include:·Liaisonwith communities, contractors and other consultants underthecredit to ensure holistic management of all theenvironmentalaspects of the project; to reviewcontractors?ConstructionEnvironmental Management Plans (CEMPs); toprepare individualCompensation Plans in accordance with the PolicyFramework for LandAcquisition and Compensation (PFLAC); and toformulate a detailedplan of a Maqalika Reservoir CatchmentManagement Programme.It isimperative that the consultant抯 officesbe in Lesotho during theperiod of the assignment. This assignmentis for a period of 24months from the date of commencement of theconsultancyservices.The Water and Sewerage Authority now inviteseligibleindividual consultants to indicate their interest inproviding theservices. Interested individual consultants mustprovideinformation indicating that they are qualified to performtheservices (i.e. detion of similar assignments, experience insimilarconditions, availability of appropriate skills, etc.).Aconsultantwill be selected in accordance with the procedures setout in theWorld Bank抯 Guidelines: Selection and Employment ofConsultants byWorld Bank Borrowers, May 2004.Interested consultantsmay obtainfurther information at the address below from 0730 hoursto 1615hours, Monday through Friday.Expressions of interest mustbeclearly labeled and delivered in hard copies to the addressbelowby 1615 hours on 25 June 2005.Contact:The ChiefExecutive.Water andSewerage Authority.Off Moshoeshoe Rd.IndustrialSite.PO Box426.Maseru 100, Lesotho.Tel: (266) 2231-2449.Fax:(266)2231-0006.E-mail: tlalir@wasa.co.lsNoticeNumber:WB1672-657/05

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