Country:EritreaProject:POWER DISTRIBUTION REHABILITATION ANDRURALELECTRIFICATIONPROJECTFinancing:WorldBankAbstract:INFORMATIONTECHNOLOGY ADVISOR(INDIVIDUALCONSULTANT)Sector:ConsultantsLoan/Credit Number:ProjectID No.P057929Contract/Bid Number:Grant No. H114-ERDeadline:14June2005This notice appears in UN Development Business Online onlyandnotin the printed version. Although this notice is assignedtoaspecific print issue, the official publication date ofthisnoticeis conside
red the date that it is posted online(seebelow).The Government of Eritrea has received financing fromtheWorld Banktoward the cost of the Asmara PowerDistributionRehabilitation andRural Electrification Project. TheEritreanElectric Corporation(EEC) intends to apply part of theproceeds toappoint aninformation technology advisor to assist EECin securingtheservices of a firm to develop and install aManagementInformationSystem and Computerized AccountingPackages.Theconsultant (information technology advisor) wouldassess thecurrentinformation collection systems operating in EECand identifytherequirements for an appropriate MIS and AccountingPackages tobepurchased for application in EEC抯 Headquarter and initsbranchoffices. The MIS will be adequate to monitorthetechnical,operational, and financial performance of EEC.Theconsultant willdevelop suitable terms of reference fortheengagement of a firm toinstall the intended MIS andAccountingPackages. The training needsfor EEC staff will also beassessed andincluded in the proposedscope of work. Furthermore, theconsultantwill assist EEC toprepare the Shortlist of qualifiedfirms, preparethe request forproposals (RFP), evaluate the offersreceived andsupervise theinstallation of the proposed MIS andAccountingPackages.EEC now invites eligible consultants to indicatetheirinterest inproviding the services. Interested consultantsmustprovideinformation indicating that they are qualified toperformtheservices (detion of similar assignments, experienceinsimilarconditions, etc.).A consultant will be selectedinaccordance with the procedures setout in the WorldBank抯Guidelines: Selection and Employment ofConsultants by WorldBankBorrowers, May 2004.Interested consultants may obtainfurtherinformation at the addressbelow during office hours (i.e.0800 to1800 hours - local time).Expressions of interest must bedeliveredto the address below by1800 hours on 14 June2005.Contact:Attn: Mr.Abraham W.Micael, General Manager.EritreanElectricCorporation.Nakfa av., 87.PO Box 911.1A 176 Asmara,Eritrea.Tel:(291-1) 122-228.Fax: (291-1)