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http://whmsebhyy.com 2005年05月30日 11:29 商務部網站

  Country:YemenProject:PROPOSED POWER SECTORPROJECTFinancing:WorldBankAbstract:CONSULTING SERVICES:CONSTRUCTIONSUPERVISIONSector:PowerLoan/Credit Number:ProjectIDP086865Contract/Bid Number:Expressions of interestDeadline:30June2005The Government of Yemen intends to apply for financingfromtheInternational Development Association toward the costoftheproposed Power Sector Project, and intends to apply partoftheproceeds for consulting services. The services includetheprovisiono
f comprehensive project and supervisionconsultingservices fromthe commencement of project construction tothe takingover ofworks. Apart from providing usual consultancyservices, theselectedconsultant will also be required to providenecessarysupport to theclient is all areas of procurement includingpretionof biddingdocuments, evaluation of proposals, etc. Totalcontractduration isexpected to be about 48 months.ProjectBackground:Theproject consists of the following main investmentcomponents:(i)supply and installation of a 160 t/h boiler atAl-Hiswa powerplantin Aden; (ii) strengthening of 132-kVtransmission linesandsubstations mainly in Hodeidah and Dhamarareas; and(iii)strengthening of 33/11-kV subtransmission anddistributionnetworkthroughout the country.The investments will alsoincludeone/two pilot schemes forinstalling prepaid meters andgovernmentschemes related to thedevelopment of renewable energy.There willbe a number of technicalassistance components for whichseteassignments will be soughtwith other specialized firms.Theselected consultant will berequired to provide necessarytechnicalsupport to the client in theprocurement of theseservices.Whereasthe generation and transmission works will beimplemented bythecontractors through supply and erect typecontracts,distributionworks will be implemented by the PublicElectricityCorporation andneeded goods/equipment will be procuredsetely.To reduce losses,conductor size will be increased, feederlengthsshortened, peakloads reduced etc. Consultants will beresponsiblefor theconstruction supervision of all works. Asperinternationalpractice, contractor invoices will becertified,progress monitored,and works tested before takeover.Projectimplementation is expectedto start in early 2006 and becompletedby 2010.The Public Electricity Corporation now inviteseligibleconsultantsto indicate their interest in providing theirservices.Interestedconsultants must provide information indicatingthat theyarequalified to perform the services (brochures, detionofsimilarassignments, experience in similar conditions,availabilityofappropriate skills among staff, etc.). Consultantsmay associatetoenhance their qualifications.A consultant will beselected inaccordance with the procedures setout in the WorldBank抯Guidelines: Selection and Employment ofConsultants by WorldBankBorrowers (May 2004).Interested consultants may obtainfurtherinformation at the addressbelow during normal office hours0800 to1400 hours.Expressions of interest must be delivered to theaddressbelow by 30June 2005.Contact:Public ElectricityCorporation.ProjectDirector: Eng. Ahmed Bokash.PO Box No.178.Airport Rd.Sana抋,Yemen.Tel: (967-1) 328-164/5, (967-7) 378-3161(Mobile).Fax:(967-1) 328-150/1.E-mail:ypecnt@y.net.ye,a.bokash@yemen.net.ye


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