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http://whmsebhyy.com 2005年05月30日 11:27 商務部網站

  Country:MozambiqueProject:ROADS AND BRIDGES MANAGEMENTANDMAINTENANCE PROGRAMFinancing:WorldBankAbstract:SOCIOECONOMICASSESSMENT FOR THE APL-2 OF RBMMP(STRATEGYAND PRETORY ACTIVITIESFOR APL PHASE2)Sector:ConsultantsLoan/Credit Number:Credit No.3550-MOZ; ProjectID: P001785Contract/Bid Number:380/DG/05; RequestFor Expression OfInterestDeadline:10 June 2005This notice appearsin UN DevelopmentBusiness online only and notin the printedversion. Although thisnotice is assigned to
aspecific print issue,the officialpublication date of this noticeis considered the datethat it isposted online (see below).This request for expressionsof interestfollows the generalprocurement notice for this projectthat appearedin UN DevelopmentBusiness No. 573 of 31 Decr 2001.TheGovernment ofMozambique (GOM) has received a credit fromtheInternationalDevelopment Association (IDA) for the purposeofimproving thetransport infrastructure in Mozambiqueandstrengthening theinstitutional capacity of the road sub-sector,andintends, throughthe Administra玢o Nacional de Estradas (ANE),toapply part of thecredit proceeds to eligible payment underthecontract for thefollowing consultancy service:SocioeconomicAssessment for the APL-2of RBMMPThe services to be provided underthis project entail theDesign andSupervision of roads to beidentified within the RoadSectorStrategy Study to be carried outin the near future towardstheimprovement of the road transportservices and reduce long-termroadmaintenance and vehicle operatingcosts.The services to beprovided under this project and for whichthisexpression of interestare requested comprise, firstly,theprovision of consulting servicesfor the SocioeconomicImpactAssessment.5. Specifically, thisconsultancy service willcomprise but notlimited to:(a) Overviewlegislation and directivesrelevant to thecomprehensive ROADS 3program;(b) Integration withinthe overall road sector strategy forMozambique;(c) Provide acomprehensive socioeconomic impactassessment for theROADS 3, APLPhase 2 projects through establishinga center study,indicatorsand to permit comble post implementationdata aftercompletion ofthe road works (list of projects to beprovided withinthe contextof the integrated road sectorstrategy);(d) Overview ofsocio-economic aspects including areas ofhighpriority, poverty,wages and household strategies, genderaspects,HIV/AIDS, etc.Theconsultant shall take cognizance of theexisting relevantdocuments.ANE now invites eligible consultants toindicate theirinterest inproviding the above-mentioned services.Interestedconsultants mustprovide information indicating that theyarequalified to performthe services (brochures, detion ofsimilarassignments,experience in similar conditions, availabilityofappropriate skillsamong staff, etc.). EOIs should be brief(20pages maximum) andclearly and succinctly describe theapplicant抯experience andcompetencies to carry out such aconsultancy.Evaluation of theExpressions of Interest will be basedon theConsultant抯: (a)general and specific experience in SIA,(b)experience working insimilar conditions, and (c) qualityofavailable staff to carry outthe assignment. Consultantsmayassociate to enhance theirqualifications.A consultant willbeselected in accordance with the procedures setout in theWorldBank抯 Guidelines: Selection and Employment ofConsultants byWorldBank Borrowers, January 1997, (revisedSeptr 1997, January1999, May2002 and May 2004).Interested consultants may obtainfurtherinformation at the addressbelow during office hours(0800-1530hours).Expressions of Interest must be delivered to theaddressbelow nolater than 1500 hours on 10 June 2005 and shouldclearlyindicate:揈xpression of Interest: Tender 380:揝ocioeconomic?Electronicsubmissions (using a single pdf or otherprotected file)are alsoencouraged and should include as theirmessage subject揟ender 380:揝ocioeconomic? Firm/Association Name?andshould be senttotender380@ane.gov.mz.Contact:Administra玢o NacionaldeEstradas.Gabinete do Director Geral.Tender 380:揝ocioeconomic?Av.de Mo鏰mbique 1225.CP 403.Maputo, Mo鏰mbique.Tel:(258-1)47-51-57.Fax: (258-1) 47-52-90.E-mail:tender380@ane.gov.mz


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