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http://whmsebhyy.com 2005年05月27日 16:47 商務部網站

米淀粉20萬噸,可充分滿足原料供應。四、投資估算及經濟效益項目總投資15000萬元,達產后,年可實現銷售收入9000萬元,利稅6000萬元,其中利潤3000萬元。五、合作方式控股、參股、獨資六、聯系方式聯系人:康時杰、胡甫田電話:0530-8638038Produce3000 tons of xanthan gum per yearⅠ. ProjectcontentFully utilizinglocal abundant resources of maize starch,and introducing theinternationally advanced production technology,produce 3000 tons ofxanthan gum per year.Ⅱ. Market analysisThexanthan gum is a kind ofhigh polymer to emerge when themicroorganism ferments and suckscandy raw materials, widely usedas the stablizer, thickener ,quality modifier in the foodindustry, and its range of applicationhas already been up tothirty or forty trades. Therefore the xanthangum has captivatingdevelopment prospects. The growth momentum ofthe xanthan gum hasheld and has not waned for a long time in theworld, and thecontradiction of supply and demand is conspicuous dayby day. Athome, only there are 6 manufacturers which produce thexanthan gumat present. So products have been in short supply allthe time, andthe market gap is relatively great.Ⅲ. The project hasconditionsnowThe main raw materials of project are maize starch.Cheng Wu DaDi maize developing company produces 200,000 tons ofmaize starchper year, and can fully satisfy supply of the rawmaterial.Ⅳ. Thebudgetary estimate of investment and economicbenefitsThe grossinvestment of the project is 150 million Yuan.After it reaches thepostpartum, realize the income from sales of 90million Yuan everyyear, profits tax of 60 million Yuan. Among themthe profit is 30million Yuan.Ⅴ. Cooperative wayIndividualproprietorship, equityparticipation or proprietary.Ⅵ. ContactwayContact person: KangShijie Hu FutianTel: 86-530- 8638038



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