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http://whmsebhyy.com 2005年05月27日 16:47 商務部網站

丹無土栽培苗、牡丹切花、優良牡丹品種年需求量在500萬株以上,玫瑰、月季、郁金香年需求量在100萬株以上,市場前景極為廣闊。四、投資概算及經濟效益該項目資產投資總額為人民幣3169.6萬元,其中固定資產投資總額1933萬元,流動資金1236.6萬元。項目建成后,年銷售收入2730萬元,利潤總額1253.4萬元,銷售稅金617.3萬元,投資回收期三年。五、聯系方式聯系人:Thegenepool constructionand the market construction of flowersⅠ.ExistingconditionsThere are s nine departments, eleven styles ofthe peonyof Heze now. The whole area of culture of the whole cityis nearly6666 hectares, and there are 1053 varieties. Heze is thescientificresearch and production base of the peony in the world,of which theculture area is most heavy, and variety is most.Ⅱ.Briefintroduction of projectThe project covers an area of 500,000squaremeters. Among them the flowers gene pool covers an area of150,000square meters, the centre of the modernization beeds andproductioncovers an area of 300,000 square meters, and the tradecenter coversan area of 50,000 square meters. Set up thenational-level gene pooland the trade center of the modernizationbeeding and production,and in which, plant More than 1000 piecesof flowers assortment and500,000 peonies.Ⅲ. Market prospectsThepeony is a king in theflower, the traditional famous flower of ourcountry, and is likedby countries all over the world too. Inrecent years the marketdemand of tree peony increase progressivelyat the speed of 30%every year, The peony shoots to cultivate withno soil, the cutflowers of peony, the fine peony variety, theannual requirement ofthem above-mentioned is more than 5 million.The annual requirementof tulip, the rose, Chinese rose is above 1million. So the marketprospects are extremely wide.Ⅳ. Thebudgetary estimate of investmentand economic benefitsThis totalinvestment of the project is31,696,000 Yuan. Among them theinvestment in fixed assets is19,330,000 Yuan, the circulating fundof 12,366,000 Yuan. After theproject is built up, the annualincome from sales is 27,300,000Yuan, the total profit of12,534,000 Yuan, the sales tax of6,173,000 Yuan. The paybackperiod of investment is three years.Ⅴ.Contact wayContact person:Zhu Jianyin Tel: 86-530- 5928951



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