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http://whmsebhyy.com 2005年05月27日 15:59 商務部網站





  菏澤沃野生物工程有限公司聯系人:苑兆敏 電話:0530-5313216 傳真:0530-5336079Drawingthesaponinfrom the yellow ginger and deep processingⅠ.Briefintroduction of products and market prospectsThe saponin(alsocalls sapogenin) is the important basic raw materials ofthesteroid body of biological medicine industrial that is drawnfromthe yellow ginger, it is the important intermedia raw materialsofnational defence fields, chemical industry etc. too.Utilizechemistry formating or biological synthetic technology,alreadysuccessful develop the steroid body hormone medicine ofthree bigclasses and more than 200 and more than 2,000 kinds thatisspecially needs of the national economy and thepeopleslivelihood, for example, acetic ester of double enolandketone(abbreviate as diolefine), progesterone, Aceticacidprogesterone(monoester), prednisone, cortisone series andoxytocin,prophylactic etc. It can also be used as anti - cancerdrugs,penicillin, rabies vaccine and pilatory etc.Because of thespecialmedical value of the saponin, it is praised as the title ofmother of hormone by the international drugmaker. Theproductsare in short supply, selling well in the internationalmarket.Inrecent years, with the development of science andtechnology ofbiological medicine of our country, the demand ofsaponin in thedomestic medical market increases by a large margin.According tothe incomplete statistics, the gap of saponin of ourcountry isnearly 4,000 tons, and the saponin market of the world isin shortsupply seriously. Therefore, the international drugmakercalls the20th century as the era of Century Yellow Ginger, CenturySaponin.Ⅱ. Gross investment of the projectProduce 100 tons ofsaponin peryear. Gross investment is 49,620,000 Yuan, and amongthem theinvestment in fixed assets is 44,360,000 Yuan, circulatingfund is5,260,000 Yuan.Ⅲ. Cooperative wayJoint-venture orcooperationⅣ.Contact wayHe Ze Fertile Wildlife Project Co.,Ltd.Contact person:Yuan ZhaominTel: 86-530-5310856 Fax:86-530-5336079



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