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http://whmsebhyy.com 2005年05月27日 15:59 商務部網站

作方式合資、合作五、聯系方式山東東明石化集團聯系人:趙玉生電話:0530-72102577211839Produce 200,000 tons of methyl alcohol withcoal per yearⅠ.Market prospectsAs the automobile of our countrypopularizesquickly, and the contradiction of energy supply anddemand is beingstrengthened day by day, it is already very urgentto develop thealternative energy source. The methyl alcohol is akind ofalternative energy source with the characteristics ofhigher value,small pollution and low costs etc. At present, theannualrequirement of the methyl alcohol of our country is alreadynearly 5million tons, and is increasing progressively at the speedof morethan 8% every year. So the methyl alcohol has wide marketpotentialand profit space.Ⅱ. Budgetary estimate of investmentGrossinvestmentis 600 million Yuan. Among them, the investment in fixedassets is430 million Yuan, intangible assets of 120 million Yuan,prepare thefee of 40 million Yuan, pave bottom circulating fund of10 millionYuan.Ⅲ. Analysis of economic benefitsAfter the projectgoes intooperation, increase the income from sales of 420 millionYuan newlyevery year, profits tax of 180 million Yuan.Ⅳ.CooperativewayJoint-venture or cooperation.Ⅴ. Contact wayShan DongDong MingPetrochemical Industry Group.Contact person: ZhaoYushengTel.:86-530-7210257 7211839



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