獨資或合資五、聯系方式聯系單位:菏澤開發區聯系人:張迪坤電話:0530-5321989Produce wetwoodenglueof environmental protection of 5000 tons per yearⅠ. Basisofthe projectThe wet wooden glue has characteristic of theunseasonedlumber for pasting, and the greater temperature is, thestrongerthe viscidity is. Using wet wooden glue, scrappy timber canbepasted again, and improve the recovery and the quality ofslicegreatly, economize the timber cost by a large margin.Ⅱ.Budgetaryestimate of investmentThe gross investment of the projectis 78million Yuan. Among them, the investment in fixed assets is70million Yuan, the pave-bottom circulating fund of 8 millionYuan.Ⅲ.Analysis of economic benefitsAfter the project reachesthepostpartum, the annual output of wet wooden glue is 5000 tons,theincome from sales is 50 million Yuan, and the payback periodofinvestment is 3.15years.Ⅳ. Cooperative wayIndividualproprietorshipor joint-venture.Ⅴ. Contact wayContact company:Development Zone ofHezeContact person: Zhang DikunTel:86-530-5321989