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http://whmsebhyy.com 2005年05月27日 15:59 商務部網站

  林業機械生產項目一、項目名稱 木工機械生產基地建設項目二、市場前景 中國家具協會公布的統計數據顯示,2003年全行業完成產值首次超過2000億元人民幣,同比增長23.7%;出口在連續幾年遞增30%的基礎上,當年出口額達到73.33億美元,同比增長35.4%,凈增19億美元。家具生產的迅猛發展,極大地帶動了對高檔家具生產設備的需求。菏澤市是林業大市,林產品加工發展迅速,但木工機械生產尚屬空白。三、項目建設目標 研發生產高、中、低“三板”成套設備,板式家具設備,實木家具設備,集成材、制材設備,多功能木工
機床系列產品等,使之成為我國的木工機械生產基地。四、投資概算 項目總投資25000萬元。五、合作方式 合資、獨資六、聯系方式聯系單位:菏澤市發展和改革委員會電話:0530-5310856傳真:0530-5336079Theproduction project of forestrymachineryⅠ.Project nameTheconstruction project of the productionbase of the woodworkingmachinery.Ⅱ.Market prospectsThe statisticsthat the Chinesefurniture association announces show, the wholetrade exceeded 200billion Yuan finishing the output value for thefirst time in 2003,increased by 23.7% compared with the sameperiod of last year; Theexport is on the basis of increasingprogressively 30% for severalyears in succession, the volume ofexport reached 7,333 milliondollars in that year, increase by35.4% compared with the sameperiod of last year, have a netincrease of 1,900 million dollars.The swift and violentdevelopment that the furniture produced,driving will produce thedemand for the equipment to the top-gradefurniture greatly.He Zeis the large city of the forestry, thedevelopment of theprocessing industry of the forestry products isfast, but it stillbelongs to the blank that the woodworkingmachinery isproduced.Ⅲ.Construction t of the projectResearch anddevelop andproduce the complete sets of high , middle and low three boards, the fitment of modes in Chinese operatic music, realwoodenfitment, integrated material , making material equipment,multi-nalwoodwork lathe serial product etc., make it become thewoodworkingmachinery production base of our country.Ⅳ.Budgetaryestimate ofinvestmentThe gross investment of the project is 250millionYuan.Ⅴ.Cooperative wayJoint-venture,individualproprietorshipⅥ.Contact wayContact company: Hezecommittee ofDevelopment and ReformationTel:86-530-5310856Fax:86-530-5336079



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