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http://whmsebhyy.com 2005年05月25日 15:14 商務(wù)部網(wǎng)站

  Sharjah show set to boost UAE - Italy trade tiesThe secondeditionof the Italian Lifestyle in the Emirates Exhibition, whichopens onTuesday (May 24) at the Expo Centre Sharjah, is all set togive amajor boost to UAE-Italy trade relations.While it offersItaliancompanies an opportunity to present their top-of-the-rangeproductsand explore the market, the businessmen from the countryand theregion get a chance to do business with the masters instyle andinnovation, thus increasin
g bilateral trade andhigh-levelvisits.Its a win-win situation for both thecountries, saidMohammed Salem Al Mosharrekh, Board Mr, SharjahChamber of Commerce& Industry.Mosharrekh was addressing apress conference toannounce the opening of the show on Monday (May23) at Expo CentreSharjah.The press conference was also attendedby Mauro Marzocchi,Secretary General, Italian Chamber of Commercein the UAE & GCC(Ro); Dr. Ferdinando Fiore, TradeCommissioner, Italian TradeCommission; and Fasahat Ali Khan,Acting Director General, ExpoCentre Sharjah.We set to gain fromtheir technological know-how,innovation and top-of-the-rangeproducts. At the same time, theItalian firms get an opportunity toexplore the local market and geta foothold in the region,Mosharrekh added.The event will be heldunder the patronage ofSharjah Crown Prince and Deputy Ruler SheikhSultan Bin MohammedBin Sultan Al Qassimi and will run from May 24to 27.The show hasregistered a spectacular growth of about 60 percent. The four-dayevent will witness the participation of over 250exhibitors asagainst the 140 in the previous edition, he said.Theexhibitionspace sold too has doubled with the exhibitors occupying8,000square metres in two halls this year compared to 4,000squaremetres in one hall the previous year. Companies exhibitingunderthe umbrella of the Italian Trade Commission will occupy onefullhall.The exhibit profile of Italian products will includebuildingmaterials, gift items, furniture, home furnishings andhomedecorations, crystals and glass, lighting, food products,garmentsand fashion accessories.The show will also bring intofocus theservices provided by building contractors, architects andinteriordecorators. Apart from promoting investments, jointventures andoverall trade, their presence at the show will helpintroduce newconcepts and designs to the region which isexperiencing anunprecedented construction boom, Marzocchisaid.Major highlightsof the show include a conference exclusivelyfor women and livecooking demonstration.The conference, titledInternationalCompetitiveness Rules for the Producers and GuaranteeforCustomers, will be organised on May 25 by the UAEBusinessmensAssociation and C.N.A. & ConfartigianatoWomensAssociation.The live cooking demonstration, to be presentedby theItalian Culinary Institute for Foreigners, will give gourmetsapeekotnithe intricacies of Italian cuisine.Italy has a longandspecial relationship with the UAE and both the countries areeagerto nourish this mutual relationship for a prosperous future.Italylooks at the UAE as its major trade partner in the region.Theextensive bilateral diplomatic and commercial activitiesareclearly visible in ministerial trade missions visits, signingofbilateral agreements and memoranda of cooperation andthenoticeable increase in the number of Italian companiesestablishingthemselves in the local market, Dr Fiore said.Theshow isexpected to scale new border=1 Heights in popularity andregister recordsales given that the region is experiencing a boomin residentialand commercial property development, coupled withhigh consumerspending which is rated among highest in the world,said Khan.Atotal of 9,000 visitors, both trade and general, from 35countriesvisited the previous show. For most of the exhibitors theshowturned out to be an excellent platform for promoting theirproductsnot only in the UAE but the whole of the Middle Eastregion.Theexhibition is organised by the Italian Trade Commission,theItalian Chamber of Commerce in the UAE & GCCRepresentativeOffice, ARTEX - Italy, and Expo Centre Sharjah andsupported by theMinistry of Productive Activities - Italy,C.N.A.-Italy,Confartigianato-Italy and the Sharjah Chamber ofCommerce andIndustry.


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