項目編號: GJZB_NO.4327項目名稱: 健康部門項目支持國 家: 柬埔寨類 屬: 其他資金支持: 世界銀行摘要:健康中心新建工作貸款/信貸號碼: 信貸號:3728-KH合同/投標號碼:發布日期:2005-5-25截止日期:2005-7-5項目介紹:The Royal Government of Cambodia hasreceived a creditfrom the International Development Associationfinancing toward thecost of the Health Sector Support Project(HSSP), and it intends toapply part of the proceeds toward paymentsunder the contract forthe new construction works o
f Health Centers(Banteay MeancheyProvince).The Health Sector Support Project,Ministry of Health,now invites sealed bids from eligible biddersfor the NewConstruction of Health Centers (Banteay MeancheyProvince). Theconstruction period is six months from the date ofcontracteffectiveness.Bidding will be conducted through theinternationalcompetitive bidding procedures as specified in theWorld Bank抯Guidelines: Procurement under IBRD Loans and IDACredits, (January1995, revised version January 1999), and is opento all eligiblebidders as defined in the guidelines.Interestedeligible biddersmay obtain further information from and inspect thebiddingdocuments from the Health Sector Support Project, MinistryofHealth, at the address below during office hours from 0730 to1200hours and from 1400 to 1730 hours.A complete set ofbiddingdocuments in English may be purchased by interested bidderson thesubmission of a written application to the address below anduponpayment of a non-refundable fee of US$ 75 or its equivalent inafreely convertible currency. Documents may also be requestedbymail or fax. A complete set of documents will be couriered totheapplicant (if so requested) upon receipt of a totalnon-refundablepayment of US$ 150 or an equivalent amount in afreely convertiblecurrency (which includes an additional amount ofUS$ 75 for couriercharges). The method of payment will be cash orcertified check ordirect money transfer to Account No. 30-400-6976C/o Dr. Char MengChuor, Project Coordinator at Foreign Trade Bankof Cambodia, No. 3R.V. Kramoun Sar, Phnom Penh, Cambodia,SWIFT:FTCCKHPPAll bids mustbe accompanied by a bid security of US$7,000 or an equivalentamount in a freely convertible currency, andbe delivered to theaddress below by 0900 hours on 5 July 2005. Theywill be openedimmediately thereafter, in the presence ofbidders?representatives,who choose to attend, at the address below.Late bids will berejected.Contact:Ministry of Health .Health SectorSupport Project.Attn: Prof. Eng Huot, Project Director .151-153Kampuchea KromBlvd .Phnom Penh, Cambodia .Tel: (855-23)990-552/880-260/1 .Fax:(855-23) 880-262 .E-mail:admin.hssp@online.com.khNoticeNumber:WB1547-656/05