項目編號: GJZB_NO.4331項目名稱: 促進貿易和交通運輸項目國 家: 阿塞拜疆類 屬: 城市發展建設貸款總額:(單位:百萬美元)發布日期: 2005-5-25 工程類別:項目介紹:進展階段:Project isbeingidentified.詳細介紹:The tives of the project are to makefreighttransport more competitive in terms of quality, capacity andcost,and to increase the economic, financial and socialsustainabilityof rail passenger services. Project is beingidentified.Environmental Assessment Category: EnvironmentalAsses
smentCategory B. US$ US$ 25.0/25.0 (IBRD/IDA). Consultantswill berequired. Ministry of Transport10554 Tbilisi Ave., Baku1122Azerbaijan, Contact: Mr. Musa Panahov, Minister Tel:(994-12)985-087