項目編號: GJZB_NO.4329項目名稱: 國家統計系統項目國 家: 俄羅斯類 屬: 咨詢服務資金支持: 世界銀行摘要:咨詢服務貸款/信貸號碼:合同/投標號碼:發布日期: 2005-5-25截止日期: 2005-6-30項目介紹:TheRussianFederation has received financing from the World Bank towardthecost of the State Statistical System (STASYS) Project, andintendsto apply part of the proceeds for consulting services.Themaintives of the assignment are the follows:· To develop a systemofstatistical indicators for meas
urement of population health,thevolume and quality of medical care and services.· To designthesystem of monitoring of population health and provision ofmedicalservices.The consultant should complete the followingtasks:· Todevelop a system of statistical measures (indicators) ofthepopulation health, the accessibility, the quality and volumeofmedical care and services.· To developmethodologicalrecommendations for collecting, processing, andanalyzingstatistical data on health issues.· To developrecommendations toimprove the system of indicators measuringpopulation health, thequality and accessibility of the medical careand medicalservices.· To update the statistical forms inpuorgtoimprove thequality and timeliness of statistical observation in thehealthcare sector.· To design the database on health carestatistics.· Todevelop the methodology and software to performcalculations ofderived statistical indexes.Consulting servicesshould be providedduring 12 months, and the labor input will amountto approximately120 staff/months of the consultant抯 keypersonnel.The client willprovide all necessary materials andinformation.The consultantshould fit the following criteria:· Havea good knowledge of thesystem of data collection and processing inthe field of healthcare and medical statistics and the naturalmovement of thepopulation.· Have a good knowledge of theinternationalrecommendations and international experience in thefield ofstatistical observation over the population health and thescope ofmedical services rendered to the population.· Have asufficientexperience in analytical work in the field of socialanddemographic statistics.· At least three years of experienceindevelopment of statistical databases and referencednormativedocumentation databases.· Have a sufficient experience inthedevelopment of software for calculation of derivedstatisticalindexes.The 揃ureau of Economic Analysis?Foundation,acting as theSTASYS Project Implementation Unit, now inviteseligibleconsultants to indicate their interest in providing theservices.Interested consultants must provide information indicatingthatthey are qualified to perform the services (brochures, detionofsimilar assignments, experience in similar conditions,availabilityof appropriate skills among staff, etc.). Consultantsmay associateto enhance their qualifications.A consultant will beselected inaccordance with the procedures set out in the WorldBank抯Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants by WorldBankBorrowers, January 1997 (revised Septr 1997 andJanuary1999).Interested consultants may obtain further informationat theaddress below during office hours from 1100 to 1700 hours(Moscowtime).Expressions of interest must be delivered to theaddressbelow by 30 June 2005.Contact:Bureau of EconomicAnalysisFoundation.Development of the State Statistical System(STASYS)project.Attn: Mr. Sergey N. Lavrov.27/26, bld 3,Zubovskyblvd.Moscow, 119021, Russia .Tel: (7-095) 937-6750.Fax:(7-095)937-6753.E-mail: stasys@beafnd.orgNoticeNumber:WB1553-656/05