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http://whmsebhyy.com 2005年05月20日 12:07 商務部網站

  項目編號: GJZB_NO.4299項目名稱: 農村生產和小規模商業性農業生產發展項目國 家: 亞美尼亞類 屬:其他資金支持:世界銀行摘 要: 一般性采購貸款/信貸號碼:合同/投標號碼:發布日期: 2005-5-20截止日期:項目介紹:TheRepublicof Armenia (ROA) is expected to receive a credit fromtheInternational Development Association (IDA) toward the cost oftheRural Enterprise and Small-Scale Commercial AgricultureDevelopmentProject, and it intends to apply part of the proceeds topaymentsfor goods, works, re
lated services and consulting servicesto beprocured under this project.The project will include thefollowingcomponents:Component A - Small Rural Business Support. Thetive isto support rural businesses to improve the link betweentheirproduction and markets.Component B - Farm-FocusedDevelopmentSupport. The tive is to enable farmers to improvetheirproductivity, production quality and market access throughasustainable advisory system and by increasing availabilityofquality planting material.Component C - Community-FocusedEconomicDevelopment. The tive is to stimulate economic developmentat thecommunity level in selected rural areas through increasedcapacityof the communities to plan and manage their resources,andprioritize, fund and maintain key infrastructure investmentswithclear market linkages.The project will include procurementofoffice equipment, vehicles, furniture, seed and virustestingequipment, field equipment, etc., in lots.Procurement willbeconducted through the procedures as specified in the WorldBank抯Guidelines: Procurement under IBRD Loans and IDA Creditspublishedin May 2004 and in the World Bank抯 Guidelines: SelectionandEmployment of Consultants by World Bank Borrowers published inMay2004, and is open to all eligible bidders as defined intheguidelines.Specific procurement notice for contracts to bebidunder the World Bank抯 international competitive bidding(ICB)procedures will be announced, as they become available, inUNDevelopment Business and in Hayastani Hanrapetutyunlocalnewspaper.Interested eligible bidders who wish to be includedonthe mailing list to receive invitations to bid underICBprocedures, or those requiring additional information,shouldcontact the address below.Contact:Attn: Mr. LevonAghamyan,Director and Mr. Azat Tovmasyan, ProcurementSpecialist.RuralEnterprise and Small-Scale Commercial AgricultureDevelopmentProject PIU.74, Teryan St.Yerevan, Armenia.Tel: (374-1)542-521,540-751.Fax: (374-1) 544-528.E-mail:arsp@arminco.comNoticeNumber:WB1494-656/05


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