項目編號: GJZB_NO.4297項目名稱: 公路項目國 家: 阿塞拜疆類 屬: 咨詢服務資金支持: 世界銀行摘要:橋梁設計方案準備貸款/信貸號碼: 信貸號:3517-AZ合同/投標號碼:發布日期:2005-5-20截止日期:2005-5-25項目介紹:This request for expressions ofinterest follows thegeneral procurement notice that appeared in UNDevelopment BusinessNo. 648 of 16 February 2005.The Government ofAzerbaijan hasobtained a credit from the International DevelopmentAssociation(IDA), and intends to apply part of the
credit proceedsfor thepretion of detailed engineering design and tender documentsforTovuz Bypass.The tive of the consulting services is to preparethedetailed engineering design for the accepted alternative basedonthe bridge studies over Tovuz River as a part of TovuzBypass.Theservices requested include field investigationsconsistent with theoutcome of the public consultations and usefulexperience andtechnical, economical, environmental and socialstudies and pretionof detailed drawings, specifications and bill ofquantity byconsidering opinions on preliminary studies.TheRoadTransServiceDepartment of the Ministry of Transport now inviteseligibleconsultants to indicate their interest in providingtheservices.Interested consultants must provide informationindicatingthat they are qualified to perform the services(brochures,experience in similar conditions, availability ofappropriateskills, etc.). Consultants may associate to enhancetheirqualifications.A Consultant will be selected based onConsultantQualifications in accordance with the World Bank抯Guidelines:Selection and Employment of Consultants by World BankBorrowers,January 1997 (revised in Septr 1997 and January 1999).Theworks areexpected to commence not later than May 2005.Interestedconsultantsmay obtain further information at the address below from1000 to1600 hours.Expressions of interest must be delivered to theaddressbelow not later than 25 May 2005.Contact:Ministry ofTransport ofthe Azerbaijan Republic.RoadTransServiceDepartment.Attn: Mr.J.G.Gurbanov, Chief of RTSD.Uzeyir HajibeyovSt. 72/4.1010 Baku,Azerbaijan.Tel: (994-12) 493-0045.Fax: (994-12)493-4665.E-mail:silkway@online.azNotice Number:WB1485-656/05