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http://whmsebhyy.com 2005年05月20日 12:07 商務部網站

  項目編號: GJZB_NO.4296項目名稱: 公共部門現代化項目國 家: 亞美尼亞類 屬: 咨詢服務資金支持: 世界銀行摘要:咨詢服務貸款/信貸號碼: 信貸號:3891-AM合同/投標號碼:發布日期:2005-5-20截止日期:2005-5-31項目介紹:The Republic of Armenia has receivedfinancing fromthe World Bank toward the cost of the Public SectorModernizationProjects, and intends to apply part of the proceedsfor consultantservices. The services include the design of GlobalNationalStrategy and Action Plan for introduci
ng electroniccirculation ofthe RoA Government documentation. In this phase thescope of thecirculation will cover the Office of the RoAGovernment, theMinistry of Finance and Economy (MFE) and theMinistry of Trade andEconomic Development (MTED).The services willalso include:·Developing key requirements of the electronicgovernance softwarepackage for the documentation flow· Presentingthe nal draft on thementioned software package· Assessing thetechnical re-equipmentneeds for the system· Drafting amendments tothe legislative andregulatory instruments on the policy developmentand implementationprocedures in the Central System of the Republicof ArmeniaGovernment, MFE and MTEDThe consulting company requiredshall havethe relevant qualifications and experience in thefollowing areasbut will not be limited to such:· Design ofcommunication andelectronic documentation flows (with testedmodels).· Pretion andimplementation of reforms in the area ofdocumentation flow withinthe Public Administration Bodies.Experience in states intransition countries will be a benefit.·Consultancy to the publicadministration sector, as well as in thearea of institutional andorganizational reform. The consultantshould have proven experienceof work with at least 2 Center ofGovernment (Office of theGovernment or President抯 Administration)in other states.·Excellent knowledge of the design of the computersoftware,installation modes and methods.· Experience in draftinglegislationon the documentation flow.· Establishment of anelectronic systemof document management and policy implementationtrackingsystem.Knowledge of the legal and political systems ofArmenia ishighly encouraged.The key staff of the consulting companyshouldhave at least five years of professional experience,particularlyin the area of establishment of a document managementelectronicsystem and policy implementation tracking system of, aswell as inpretion and implementation of reforms, encouraged in theadvancedEuropean countries and preferred in transitionalcountriesTheForeign Financing Projects Management Center of theMinistry ofFinance and Economy now invites eligible consultants toindicatetheir interest in providing the services. Interestedconsultantsmust provide information indicating that they arequalified toperform the services (brochures, detion of similarassignments,experience in similar conditions, availability ofappropriateskills among staff, etc.). Consultants may associate toenhancetheir qualifications.A consultant will be selected inaccordancewith the procedures set out in the World Bank抯Guidelines:Selection and Employment of Consultants by World BankBorrowers,January 1997 (revised Septr 1997, January 1999 andMay2002).Interested consultants may obtain further information attheaddress below during office hours (0900 to 1800hours).Expressionsof interest must be delivered to the addressbelow by 31 May2005.Contact:Attn: Mr. Robert Harutyunyan,ExecutiveDirector.Foreign Financing Projects ManagementCenter(FFPMC).Ministry of Finance and Economy.Government House1,Republic Square.Yerevan, Republic of Armenia.Tel:(374-1)523-471.Fax: (374-1) 545-708.E-mail:info@ffpmc.amNoticeNumber:WB1483-656/05


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