一、項目名稱:5萬噸/年優質有機肥生產加工項目二、企業名稱:東莊鄉人民政府三、項目總投資:1200萬元四、企業所屬行業:化工五、項目簡介、產品市場分析:該項目需投資1200萬元,其中固定資產投資800萬元,購置運輸車輛和有機肥加工生產線一套,流動資金400萬元,收購各類畜禽糞便,預計年可加工有機肥5萬噸,銷售收入3000萬元。 我國有31億畝耕地,近幾年國內僅有1.5億畝以上的有機農業出現,按每畝施有200Kg有機肥估算,全國需要0.3億噸商品有機肥。而當前我國有機肥產量僅在100萬噸左右,僅為市場需求量的0
.7%,因此有機肥市場前景非常廣闊。六、經濟效益分析:建設周期10個月,年銷售收入3000萬元,投資回收期2.1年,利稅750萬元。七、希望在以下哪方面尋求合作機會和合作伙伴:1、合資、合作希望投資者投資金額:人民幣萬元希望投資者其它的投入:2、技術合作:3、貿易及銷售代理:八、企業基本情況及主導產品:有機肥料企業地址:山東·寧陽·東莊鄉人民政府駐地郵政編碼:271415項目聯系人:繆昌聯系電話:0538-5991221傳真: 0538-5991221電子郵件:寧陽縣對外貿易經濟合作局 電話05385625175傳真05385625006 聯系人趙慶雷IProject Name: Producing & processing 50thousand t/a of OrganicFertile of QualityII Enterprise Name:People’s Government ofDongzhuang TownshipIII Gross Investment forthe Project: The totalinvestment is RMB12 million.IV EnterprisesAffiliated Trade:Chemical industriesV Brief Introduction &Market Analysis of theProductsThe total investment is RMB12million, of which RMB8 millionwill be used to purchase thevehicles and a processing line oforganic fertile as the fixedassets and RMB4 million to purchase theraw materials, excrementand Urine as the floating fund. The salesincome will add up toRMB300 million by processing 5,000 tons oforganic fertileannually. The area of organic agriculture in Chinais only 150million mu, less than 50% of 310 million mu of thearable land. 30million tons of organic fertile are needed for thearea of 150million mu by 200Kg per mu to apply. Therefore, themarkets oforganic fertile have good prospects for the output ofthat is just10 million tons, only 0.7% of the demands.VI Analysisof EconomicBenefitsThe construction period is 10 months and thesales incomeis RMB30 million annually. The return period oninvestment is 2.1years and the profit and tax is RMB7.5 million.VIISeekingCooperative Chance & Cooperative Partner in which ofthefollowings:1. Joint-venture or cooperationThe expectinginvestmentamount: RMB______Other investment expected fromtheinvestor2.Technological cooperation3. Trade and saleagentVIIIEnterprises Basic State & Leading ProductsOrganicFertile ofQualityAddress: Guard Station of Dongzhuang Township ofNingyang,Shandong ProvincePostal Code: 271415Contact To:MiaoChangTelephone: 0538-5991221Fax: 0538-5991221E-mail: