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http://whmsebhyy.com 2005年05月20日 08:37 商務部網站

六、經濟效益分析:項目建成達產后,新增銷售收入17675萬元,利稅2494萬元,利潤1531萬元。七、希望在以下哪方面尋求合作機會和合作伙伴:1、合資、合作希望投資者投資金額:人民幣萬元希望投資者其它的投入:2、技術合作:3、貿易及銷售代理:八、企業基本情況及主導產品:8000噸/年甲基1605;2000噸/年滅多威;20000噸/年神農丹(涕滅威);5000噸/年毒死蜱。2000噸/年多菌靈;1500噸/年二甲戊樂靈;3000噸/年乙草胺;12萬噸/年離子膜燒堿;13.5萬噸/年濃硝酸;6000噸/年光氣;3000噸/年三氯化磷等,2003年銷售收入3.38億元。于2002年10月發行A股股票并上市(股票名稱:華陽科技股票代碼:600532)企業地址:山東·寧陽·磁窯郵政編碼:271411項目聯系人:閆新華聯系電話:(0538)5826018傳真:(0538)5826066電子郵件:cnhy@huayang.com寧陽縣對外貿易經濟合作局 電話05385625175傳真05385625006 聯系人 趙慶雷I Project Name: Producing 5,000 tons ofActylMethyl amine phosphorus annuallyII Enterprise Name:HuayangScientific & Technological Stock Co., Ltd.III GrossInvestmentfor the Project: The total investment is RMB78.62million, RMB50.8million fixed assets and RMB27.82 million reservefloating fundsincluded.IV Enterprises Affiliated Trade: ChemicalindustriesVBrief Introduction & Market Analysis of theProductsActylMethyl amine phosphorus, a high-efficient low toxicityinsecticideof wide table, which remains less, is mainly used toprovideagainst the injurious insects of wheat, cotton, vegetables,fruittrees and so. Actyl Methyl amine phosphorus is an idealsubstituteof hyper-toxic Actyl Methyl amine phosphorus.gnivahbeenexaminedand approved by the State Development & reformCommittee, theproject will obtain the state discount, over RMB10million. Thepresent total output of the product in China is no morethan 150thousand tons, which falls short of demand. Therefore, theprojecthas great potentialities.VI Analysis of Economic BenefitsThesalesincome will increase by RMB176.75 million annually and theprofitand taxes by RMB24.94 million, RMB15.31 million of which istheprofit part.VII Seeking Cooperative Chance &CooperativePartner in which of the followings:1. Joint-ventureorcooperationThe expecting investment amount:________Otherinvestment expected from the investor2.Technologicalcooperation3.Trade and sale agentVIII Enterprises Basic State& LeadingProductsThe company has the capacity of producing8,000 tons ofMethyl 1605 annually, 2,000 tons of Methomylannually,20,000 tonsof Aldicard annually,5,000 tons of Chlorpyrifosannually, 2,000tons of Carbendazim annually, 1,500 tons ofPendimethalinannually,3,000 tons of Acetochlor annually, 120,000tons of Ionicexchange membrane soda annually, 135,000 tons of Densenitric acidannually, 6,000 tons of Phosgene annually, 3,000 tons ofPhosphorustrichloride annually and so on. A share stocks has beenissued andlisted since October 2002 (Stock name: Huayangkeji /HuayangTechnology; Stock code: 600532)Address: Ciyao Town, NingyangCountyof Shandong ProvincePostal Code: 271411Contact To:YanXinhuaTelephone: 0538-5826018Fax:0538-5826066E-mail:cnhy@huayang.com



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