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http://whmsebhyy.com 2005年05月19日 16:53 商務部網站

  項目編號: GJZB_NO.4288項目名稱: 健康系統發展項目國 家: 尼日利亞類 屬: 信息技術資金支持: 世界銀行摘要:辦公設備采購貸款/信貸號碼: 信貸號:3653-UNI合同/投標號碼:發布日期:2005-5-19截止日期:2005-6-30項目介紹:This invitation for bids follows thegeneralprocurement notice for this project that appeared in UNDevelopmentBusiness, Issue 608 of 16 June 2003 (WB1089-608/03).TheGovernmentof the Federal Republic of Nigeria has received a creditfrom theInternational Development Associati
on toward the cost ofthe HealthSystem Development Project II, and it intends to applypart of theproceeds of this credit to payments under the contractforProcurement of Office Equipment IFB No. HSDP II/ICB/05/002.Biddingwill be governed by the World Bank抯 eligibility rulesandprocedures.The Ministry of Health now invites sealed bidsfromeligible bidders for the supply of Office Equipment:ComputersPhotocopiers and Audiovisual Equipment.· Lot 1: 30 unitsdesktopsand printers (bid security 3%)· Lot 2: 6 Laptops (bidsecurity 3%)·Lot 3: 30 units UPS (bid security 3%)· Lot 4: 2 unitsPhotocopiers(bid security 3%)· Lot 5: Various Audio visualequipment (bidsecurity 3%)Bidders shall quote for any or all lots,but in anycase for the required quantities. Partial bids willberejected.Bidding will be conducted through theInternationalCompetitive Bidding (ICB) procedures specified in theWorld Bank抯Guidelines: Procurement under IBRD Loans and IDACredits, and isopen to all bidders from eligible countries asdefined in theGuidelines.Interested eligible bidders may obtainfurtherinformation from the Project Management Unit and inspectthebidding documents at the address given below from 8 am to 5pm,local timeA complete set of bidding documents in English maybepurchased by interested bidders on the submission of awrittenapplication to the address below and upon payment ofanon-refundable fee of US$ 100 (one hundred United Statesdollars)or US$ 200 (two hundred United States dollars) forforeigncompanies; the additional fee being for courier services ofN15,000(fifteen thousand naira) for suppliers within Nigeria. Themethodof payment will be by cash, or Bank Draft to HSDP IIAdo-Ekiti. Thedocument will be obtained personally or sent bycourierservices.Bids must be delivered to the Project Office(addressbelow) at or before 1 pm on Thursday, 30 June 2005.ElectronicBidding will not be permitted. All bids must beaccompanied by aBid Security. Late bids will be rejected. Bids willbe opened inthe presence of the bidders?representatives who chooseto attend atthe Conference Room at the Location indicated below at1 pm onThursday, 30 June 2005.Contact:The Project Office.3,AnisulowoStreet (aka Olufemi Ojo Street).Off, Ile-Abiye.GRA.Ado-Ekiti.EkitiState, Nigeria.Tel: (234-30) 250-586.Fax: (234-30)251-673NoticeNumber:WB1519-656/05


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