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http://whmsebhyy.com 2005年05月16日 14:12 商務部網站

  項目編號: GJZB_NO.4256項目名稱: 城市發展項目國 家: 也門類 屬: 咨詢服務資金支持: 世界銀行摘要:咨詢服務貸款/信貸號碼:合同/投標號碼:發布日期: 2005-5-16截止日期: 2005-5-12項目介紹:TheRepublicof Yemen received a credit from the InternationalDevelopmentAssociation (IDA) toward the cost of the Port CitiesDevelopmentProgram, and it intends to apply part of the creditproceeds forconsulting services concerning selected small scaleinfrastructureand urban development projects in Aden
, includingtherehabilitation and revitalization of cultural heritageandmunicipal assets. The services will support the programinpreparing revitalization strategies, feasibilitystudies,social/economic impact assessment, and detailed design andtenderdocuments for the following projects:(i) Transportlinkagescluster:a. Maala-Dakka area rehabilitation,infrastructureupgrading, and traffic reorganizationb. Improvementof strategicintersections: Caltex, Cabuta and Qahiraroundabouts(ii) Tourismcluster:a. Improvement of Gold MohurWaterfront (including a marinafor tourists boats, landscaping,shaded seating areas, concessionstands, etc.)b. Improvement of KodAl-Nimr Waterfront (includinglandscaping, shaded seating areas,concession stands, etc.)(iii)Cultural heritage cluster:a. Tawilatanks sitedevelopment/rehabilitation, including the Aden museumb.Sirahcastle site development/rehabilitationc. Rehabilitationandconversion of the old Legislative Council buildingotniaculturaland history museum, including site developmentd.Rehabilitation ofhistorical Tawahi market and site developmente.Rehabilitation ofhistorical Maala market and site development(iv)Municipal assetscluster:a. Rehabilitation of Crater market and sitedevelopmentb.Rehabilitation of Al Mansora market and sitedevelopmentc.Rehabilitation/upgrading of Al Sheikh Othman marketarea, includingreconstruction of Sheikh Othman market, trafficreorganization andrehabilitation of access roadsThe Port CitiesDevelopment Program(PCDP) intends at this stage to requestExpressions of Interest(EOI) from qualified consultants for thisassignment. Interestedconsultants must have a proven record in theimplementation ofsimilar projects.The duration of the assignmentwill be six months.Consultant selection will be through the Qualityand Cost-basedSelection (QCBS) method in accordance with the WorldBank抯Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants by WorldBankBorrowers, January 1997 (revised Septr 1997, January 1999 andMay2004). This EOI is open to all consultants from eligiblecountriesas defined in the guidelines.Interested eligibleconsultants forthis assignment may obtain further information fromthe Port CitiesDevelopment Program office at the address givenbelow. Consultantsinterested in being considered for thisassignment shall present anEOI with the following information:· Acover letter explaining theconsultant抯 interest in the assignment.·Relevant experience andachievements related to the assignmentduring the last ten years asconsultant and last five years insimilar assignments.· Curriculumvitae of key staff in the relatedareas including relevantassignments, academic qualifications,special skills, includinglanguage skills relevant to theassignment.· Presenting ofreferences from previous or presentclients.EOIs should besubmitted no later than 1300 hours (Yemenitime) on 12 May 2005 tothe following address:Contact:Attn: Mr.Mohammed Zemam.Port CitiesDevelopment Program CoordinationUnit.Aden, Khormaksar, Yemen.Tel:(967-2) 239-171/2.Fax: (967-2)239-165.E-mail:Portcities@y.net.yeNotice Number:WB1321-654/05


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