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http://whmsebhyy.com 2005年05月16日 14:12 商務(wù)部網(wǎng)站

  項(xiàng)目編號: GJZB_NO.4258項(xiàng)目名稱: 司法改革項(xiàng)目國 家: 俄羅斯類 屬: 其他資金支持: 世界銀行摘要:錄音設(shè)備和專業(yè)軟件安裝貸款/信貸號碼:合同/投標(biāo)號碼:發(fā)布日期: 2005-5-16截止日期:2005-6-2項(xiàng)目介紹:TheRussian Federation has received financing from theWorld Banktoward the cost of the Legal Reform Project, and itintends toapply part of the proceeds toward payments under thecontract forprocurement and installation of sound recordingequipment andspecialized software for courts of general
jurisdiction of theRussian Federation. The Federal Center forProject Finance nowinvites sealed bids from eligible bidders fordelivery andinstallation of the equipment one or two courtrooms in224 courtsof the Russian Federation with sets of sound-recordingequipment.Equipment to be procured consists of 505 sets of digitalautomatedsound-recording and decoding, 505 sets of passiveequipment, 505printers, 505 sets of database management system, 505softwarepackages. Implementation period includes creation ofstructuredcabling system; equipment installation, mounting andconnection;system and application software setup; pretion oftechnicaldocumentation and acceptance testing. The maximum periodofdelivery, installation and system testing is 18 weeks from thedateof contract signing.Bidding will be conducted throughtheinternational competitive bidding procedures as specified intheWorld Bank抯 Guidelines: Procurement under IBRD Loans andIDACredits (January 1995, revised January and August 1996, Septr1997,and January 1999), and is open to all eligible bidders asdefinedin the guidelines.Interested eligible bidders may obtainfurtherinformation from and inspect the bidding documents from theFederalCenter for Project Financing, PIU 揕egal Reform Project?attheaddress below during office hours: 11.00 to17.00 hours Moscowtime.A complete set of bidding documents in English may bepurchased byinterested bidders on the submission of a writtenapplication tothe address below and upon payment of a nonrefundablefee of RUR6,000 (VAT is included) or an equivalent in freelyconvertiblecurrency at the rate of Central Bank of RF on the dateof payment.The method of payment will be bank transfer. Thedocument will besent for overseas delivery by airmail and for localbiddersdocuments are available in PIU 揕egal Reform Project?officeor uponrequest can be delivered by registered mail.All bids mustbeaccompanied by a bid security of RUR 1,232,000 (one million andtwohundred thirty two thousand only) or an equivalent amount inafreely convertible currency, and be delivered to the addressbelowby 13:00 hours, Moscow time, on 2 June 2005. They will beopenedimmediately thereafter, in the presence ofthebidders?representatives, who choose to attend, at theaddressbelow. Late bids will be rejected.Contact:Federal CenterforProject Finance.PIU 揕egal Reform Project?Mrs. Olga Schwarz,ProjectManager.Mrs. Irina Suvorova, Procurement Coordinator.17,Ul.Petrovka, bld. 4, office 54.107031 Moscow,RussianFederation.Tel/Fax: (7-095) 924-0524,928-4174.E-mail:legal_reform@mail.ruNotice Number:WB1336-654/05


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