項目編號: GJZB_NO.4257項目名稱: 城市供暖項目國 家: 亞美尼亞類 屬: 其他資金支持: 世界銀行摘要:一般性采購貸款/信貸號碼:合同/投標號碼:發布日期: 2005-5-16截止日期:項目介紹:The RepublicofArmenia has applied for financing in the amount of US$ 15millionequivalent from the World Bank toward the cost of the UrbanHeatingProject, and it intends to apply part of the proceeds topaymentsfor goods, works, related services and consulting servicesto beprocured under this project.The proje
ct will include thefollowingcomponents:Component A: Community and private sectormobilizationand development of an enabling environment foreffective and safeprovision of heating services . Technicalassistance will beprovided in two areas:A1. Development of enablingenvironment foreffective and safe provision of heating servicesincluding:·Development of regulations, safety norms and standards,andcertification of suppliers and equipment, including for naturalgassupply· Improvement of legal and regulatory framework to makeHomeOwners Association more nal and to foster market-basedprovision ofheating servicesA2. Community and private sectormobilizationthrough:· Capacity building of heat service providers,localfinancial institutions, and HOA· Implementation ofbroadinformation campaigns and public education programs to informthepublic about the available new heating technologies andtheirbenefits, safety norms and standards, the need and benefitsofusing environmentally clean and safe heating solutions and thenewapproaches to community-led provision of communalservices·Establishment of special advisory center(s) to provideprivatesector and communities with support on legal, technical,andfinancial matters of modern energy supplyComponent B:Investmentfinancing for heating of residential buildings will besupportedunder two subcomponents:B.1 Lending to projectbeneficiariesB.2Capital grants to the poorComponent C: Schoolheating. Under thiscomponent financing will be provided to urbanschools forinvestments in installation and rehabilitation ofgas-based localheating systems and basic thermalrehabilitation.Component D:Support for project implementation (US$1 million).Component E:Repayment of Project Pretion Facility (US$0.8 million).Procurementof contracts financed by the World Bankwill be conducted throughthe procedures as specified in the WorldBank抯 Guidelines:Procurement under IBRD Loans and IDA Credits, May2004 and is opento all eligible bidders as defined in theguidelines. Consultingservices will be selected in accordance withthe World Bank抯Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultantsby World BankBorrowers, May 2004.Specific procurement notices forcontracts tobe bid under the World Bank抯 international competitivebidding(ICB) procedures and for contracts for consultancy serviceswill beannounced, as they become available, in UN DevelopmentBusiness,dgMarket and in local newspapers.Prequalification ofsuppliers andcontractors will not be required for anycontracts.Interestedeligible bidders who wish to be included on themailing list toreceive invitations to bid under ICB procedures, andinterestedconsultants who wish to receive a copy of advertisementrequestingexpressions of interest for consultancy contracts, orthoserequiring additional information, should contact theaddressbelowContact:Director.Melik-Adamyan, 1.Yerevan375010,Armenia.Tel/Fax: (374-1) 545-147.E-mail:tsppiu@netsys.amNoticeNumber:WB1322-654/05