項目編號: GJZB_NO.4263項目名稱: 首都城市交通項目國 家: 智利類 屬: 城市發展建設貸款總額:(單位:百萬美元)發布日期: 2005-5-16 工程類別:項目介紹:進展階段:Negotiationsaretentatively scheduled for 18 April 2005.詳細介紹:The project aimsatimplementing proposed reforms in the urban bus sector, usingquickdisbursing instruments to allow the reforms to be pursued atthepace desired despite some short term budgetary difficulties,butalso permitting the government to defer draw down if
necessarytoaccommodate improvements or fluctuations of the fiscalposition.Negotiations are tentatively scheduled for 18 April2005.Environmental Assessment Category: EnvironmentalAssessmentCategory C. PID: 82412. US$ 30.0 (IBRD). Consultants willnot berequired. Coordinaci髇 General de Transporte de SantiagoCalleNuevaYork 9, 10mo Piso, Santiago, Chile. Contact: AldoSignorelliBonomo, Coordinador General. Tel: (56-2) 428-7900