項目編號: GJZB_NO.4186項目名稱: 湄公河三角洲地區水資源發展項目國 家: 越南類 屬:供水/衛生資金支持:世界銀行摘 要: 供水貸款/信貸號碼: 信貸號:3198-VN合同/投標號碼:發布日期:2005-4-22截止日期:2005-6-3項目介紹:This invitation for bids follows thegeneralprocurement notice that appeared in UN Development BusinessNo. 636of 16 August 2004.The Socialist Republic of Viet Nam (SRV)hasreceived a credit from the International DevelopmentAssociation(IDA) toward the cost of the Mekong Del
ta WaterResources Project,and intends to apply part of the funds to covereligible paymentsunder the contract for the O Mon - Xa No SecondarySluices(#ss1-OX), contract No. ICB/CW07.Bidding is open to allbiddersfrom eligible source countries as defined in the WorldBank抯Guidelines: Procurement under IBRD Loans and IDACredits.TheCentral Project Office (CPO) under the Ministry ofAgriculture andRural Development (MARD) invites sealed bids fromeligible biddersfor the construction of the O Mon - Xa No SecondarySluices(#ss1-OX) to be located in the Can Tho City and Hau GiangProvince.There will be 18 sete sluices: Rach Nhum, Rach Tra D, VamNhon, TacCa Di, Cau Nhiem D, Ong Dinh, Tra Keo, Rach Tra C, CauNhiem C,Rach Nop, Ba Dam C, Kenh 2000C, Kenh 4000C, Kenh 5500C,Kenh 7000C,Kenh Ranh C, Kenh 12000C, Kenh 14500C, which togetherotherstructures in the subproject will n to control flood all yearforthe area of 45,430 ha, protect agricultural production inthreestable crops, protect fruit juice and infrastructures; tocreatehydraulic system for irrigation, drainage, flush acidwater,prevent salinity, taking alluvium reclaims soils for 38,800ha ofagricultural land; to supply water for domestic use and freshruralwater; to contribute to the development of road and waterwaytransportation, filling residential foundation; and improvementofenvironment.For each sluice, the works comprise the constructionofa reinforced concrete control structure founded on piles,withstilling basin in upstream and downstream, a reinforcedconcretebridge to provide vehicular access across the waterway,manufactureand installation of an automatic zinced steel sluicegate, alifting frame to facilitate gate maintenance. The sluiceswill beconstructed in the existing waterways, requiring the useofcofferdams and dewatering equipment. The 18 sluices vary inwidthfrom 3 m to 10 m. 4 Management Houses are also to be builtunderthis contract.The estimated quantities of the major componentsaregiven below:· Excavation in soils 166,972 m?· Soils, sandfilling142,877 m?· Concrete 24,359 m?· Stone masonry, stone andsand forfilter, stone aggregate 25,103 m?· Steel reinforcement2,492 T·Steel for gate 512 TBidding documents (and additionalcopies) maybe purchased from 19 April 2005 at the Central ProjectOffice ofthe Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development at theaddressbelow, for a nonrefundable fee of US$ 300, or VND 4,700,000,foreach set. Interested bidders may obtain further information atthesame address.Bids shall be valid for a period of 105 daysaftertbidopening and each Bid must be accompanied by a security ofVND 2billion or its equivalent in a convertible currency, and shallbedelivered to the Central Project Office of the MinistryofAgriculture and Rural Development at the address below on orbefore0900 hours (Vietnamese standard time) on 3 June 2005, atwhich timethey will be opened in the presence of the bidders whowish toattend.Qualified domestic contractors may be eligible toreceive amargin of preference of 7?per cent inbidevaluation.Contact:MARD.Ministry of Agriculture andRuralDevelopment.Central Project Office (CPO).23 Hang Tre.Hanoi,VietNam.Tel (84-4) 824-2363, 824-9638.Fax: (84-4)824-2372NoticeNumber:WB1258-654/05