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http://whmsebhyy.com 2005年04月21日 16:46 商務部網站

  The 17th International Construction Technology andBuildingMaterialsShow展會時間:2005年12月11日至2005年12月15日參展范圍:建筑材料、建筑陶瓷、衛浴潔具、建筑裝飾石材、燈具燈飾、室內裝飾材料、建筑玻璃、金屬型材、新型建材、機電產品、建筑五金工具、建筑機械設備、門窗涂料、管件閥門、消防安全器材、廚房設施、空調及冷藏冷凍設備、水處理技術及環保設備等。展會舉辦周期:1屆/年城市: 利雅得舉辦地址: 沙特利雅得會展中心展館名稱: 沙特利雅得會展中心上屆展會數據: 關 于展會沙特阿拉伯價值數百億美金
的建材市場,利雅得在建材領域的領先地位,以及15000平方米的展會規模使得在利雅得舉辦的沙特建材展已經成為中東地區最大、最有影響力的國際性建筑貿易展會,此在建筑行業是具有領導性的建筑貿易展。上屆展會共有來自22個國家,535家參展商,其中中國占22家企業,成交額3.8億美元,登記專業買家達24,573人。組織者:沙特利雅得展覽有限公司/RiyadhExhibitions Co. Ltd.展會簡介: 市 場 分析①沙特是中東地區最大的終端消費市場:中東進口商品高達60%在沙特進行終端消費;與歐美、東南亞等成熟市場相比更能保證出口商的利潤;迪拜50%以上的產品轉口至沙特。②沙特擁有世界最大的石油儲備(26%世界已探明石油儲備),其每年的購買力為174億美金,購買能力已達到GDP的46%以上。③沙特人口的持續增長更為沙特建筑行業的興旺提供了有力的保證。據利雅得發展局估計,今后的五年中人口將從目前的500萬增長到600萬以上,需要額外增加570,000套住房來滿足需要。④為迎合家園重建的增長,沙特政府提出價值350億美金的基礎設施、公用設施建設計劃。⑤伊拉克面臨戰后重建,需向沙特等臨國就近采購大批建材,中國產品價廉物美,相比歐美商品更具競爭力。⑥中國目前對沙特出口額還不到其總進口額10%,遠遠低于歐美日本等發達國家產品對該區域的出口。中國商品在沙特市場的發展潛力強,上升空間大!/Kingdom’smassivepopulation growth behind boom in construction andexpansionTheKingdom’s construction sector continues to be fuelledby theincreasing population growth – it has grown 8 fold over thelast twodecades and is expected to continue to rise from 4.1millioninhabitants to over 6 million in less than 5 years. Multibilliondollar public and private projects are underway inpuorgtoprovidethe necessary infrastructure, housing and facilities neededtosupport this massive growth. Among the major projects underwayare:electricity (123 billion US$), roads (5 billion US$), water(93billion US$), schools and universities (2 billion US$),hospitals (5billion US$), housing (6 billion US$), not to mentionthe numerouspublic and commercial developments and tourism andindustrialexpansion.Saudi Arabia prepares to meet the growingdemand for newhomesThe Kingdom is gearing up to meet theresidential, health,educational and recreational needs of itsrapidly growingpopulation. Over 2 million new housing units willbe needed, withover 600,000 for Riyadh alone. Major projects arein the works fornew hospitals, schools, universities andrecreation parks, allcreating unprecendented demand for the latestconstruction products,machinery and building equipment.Majorprojects ongoing forinfrastructure worksWith much of SaudiArabia’s infrastructureundergoing a complete expansion,opportunities are widespread. Newroads projects totaling well over5.4 billion US$ will requirematerials and heavy machinery.Electricity expansion projects meanthat over 117 billion US$ willbe spent over the coming two decadesto expand electrical capacityby 300%. More than 600 new factorieswill be built on newindustrial parks that are being created.Telecommunicationsfacilities are being expanded to supportincreased traffic. Such amassive undertaking will require the bestthe world has to offer interms of building products and high-techequipment.Water and sewagenetworks in full expansionCompleteoverhaul and expansion of waternetworks are ongoing, which includedesalination plants, drinkingwater networks and pipelines. Over 300projects are ongoing wortharound 93 billion US$, creating a hugedemand for specializedequipment and materials.Multi-billion bollardevelopment of publicand private sectorPublic and commercialdevelopment projects areunderway on a scale not seen anywhere elsein the region. Ministrybuildings, touristic developments andrecreational facilities needsophisticated products and finishingmaterials, as well as a widerange of security devices. Buyers willbe looking for creativedesigns, quality materials and innovativetechnologies from aroundthe world. Stone technology and stoneproducts are also in greatdemand. Stone, travertine and stonederivatives as well as thelatest machinery for cutting, grindingand polishing are needed.Unrivaled opportunities exist forsuppliers catering to thismarket.其它: Show MarketingPromotions inTrade Magazines, Newspapersand NewslettersThe important trademagazines in the region areparticipants and supporters of the show.They carry a wide range ofcoverage, including: editorial features,show previews and reviews,product highlights and news of theexhibitors.Direct mails and VIPinvitationsDirect mailing to theregions key decision makersincluding: distributors, traders,manufacturers and industryprofessionals, utilises the largestdatabase of its type in theMiddle East.Public RelationsThe PRdepartment keeps close relationswith the media, and issues regularpress releases for greaterpublicity insuring TV, radio and presscoverage throughout theregion.The Organisers will arrange specialpresentations, meetings,press conferences and receptions to furtherpromote participatingcompanies at the show.聯系方式公司名稱: 上海國際廣告展覽有限公司地址:上海市黃河路355號雅州大樓1號樓532室聯系人: 孫娜 郵政編碼: 200003聯系電話:021-63585018-8045E-mail: meggie0806@hotmail.com傳真: 021-63585870


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