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http://whmsebhyy.com 2005年04月13日 06:58 商務(wù)部網(wǎng)站

  招標(biāo)時(shí)間:2005年4月12日招標(biāo)單位:塞拉利昂政府招標(biāo)內(nèi)容:為4個(gè)區(qū)的4所醫(yī)院和12個(gè)醫(yī)療中心采購醫(yī)院用家具和設(shè)備截止日期:2005年5月27日正文如下:SectionI.Invitation for BidsGOVERNMENT OF SIERRA LEONEHealthSectorReconstruction and Development Project (HSRDP)Supply ofFurniturefor Four District and Twelve Community Health’s Centers intheBombali, Koinadugu, Kono and Moyamba Districts.1. The Governmentofthe Republic of Sierra Leone has received a grant fromtheInternational Developmen
t Association towards the cost oftheHealth Sector Reconstruction and Development Project, anditintends to apply part of the proceeds of this grant topaymentsunder the contract for the supply of Furniture andEquipment forHospital and Community Health Centers in the FourHSRDP supportedDistrict of Bombali, Kionadugu, Kono and Moyamba.2.The Ministry ofHealth and Sanitation now invites sealed bids formeligible biddersfor Supply of the following items:Lot 1: Furnitureand Equipmentfor (4) District Hospitals. * 4 SETSCategory Detion ofItems No ofSets Delivery period from date of opening of LCCategory1 StandardFurniture & Equipment 4 12 WeeksCategory 2SpecializedFurniture & Equipment for Hospitals 4 12WeeksCategory 3Specialized Equipment for Hospital 4 12WeeksCategory 4 Medical andSurgical Equipment for Hospitals 4 12WeeksCategory 5 LaboratoryEquipment for Hospital 4 12 WeeksCategory6 Logistics Equipment forHospitals 12WeeksLot 2 Furniture andEquipment for Twelve (12)Health Centers. 12 SETSCategory Detion ofItems No of Sets Deliveryperiod from date of opening of LCCategory1 Standard furniture& Equipment for Community Health Centers 1212 WeeksCategory 2Specialized Furniture & Equipment forCommunity Health Centers.12 12 WeeksCategory 3 SpecializedEquipment for Community HealthCenters 12 12 WeeksCategory 4 Medicaland Surgical Equipment forCommunity health Centers 12 12WeeksCategory 5 Laboratory Equipment12 12 WeeksCategory 6 LogisticEquipment for Community 12 12WeeksBidders may bid for one or morecategories per lot anddiscounts offered for the award of multiplelots/Categories will betakenotniconsideration in bid evaluation.However bids notoffering all the items and quantities in a categorywill berejected unless no complete bid is received for the categoryinwhich case the purchaser will evaluate and award contract (s)foreach item in the category.Bidding will be conducted throughtheInternational Competitive Bidding (ICB) procedures specified intheWorld Bank’s Guideline: Procurement under (IBRD) Loans andIDACredits, and quantities in a category will be rejected unlessnocomplete bid is received for the category in which casethepurchaser will evaluate and award contract (s) for each item inthecategory.3. Bidding will be conducted through theInternationalCompetitive bidding (ICB) procedures specified in theWorld bank’sguidelines: procurement under (IBRD) Loans and IDACredits, and isopen to all bidders from eligible source countriesas defined inthe Guidelines.4. Interested eligible bidders mayobtain furtherinformation form the Ministry of Health andSanitation and inspectthe bidding documents at the addressaddresses” (1)” given belowfrom 0900 to 1700hrs week days.5. Acomplete set of biddingdocuments in English may be purchased byinterested bidders on thesubmission of a written application to theaddress below (1) andupon payment of anon-refundable fee of onehundred United StatesDollars ($100) or its equivalent in Leones.The method of paymentwill be by cash or bank telegraphic transferinto Account No SIA1010674, Sierra Leone Commercial Bank, SaikaSteven Street,Freetown, Sierra Leone. SWIFT CODE: SLCBSLFR. Thedocuments will bedelivered to bidders or their representatives orsent by courierservices at the bidders’ cost.6. Bids must bedelivered to theaddress to the address below ‘a(chǎn)ddress 91)” at orbefore 12.00 hourson 27th May 2005. All bids must be accompanied bya bid security ofnot less than 2% of bid price. Bid bonds frominsurance firms andother boding houses are not acceptable. Latebids will be rejected.Bids will be opened in the presence of thebidders’ representativeswho choose to attend at the address below(2) at 12:00 hours on the27th May 2005.(1) The ProcurementmanagerMinistry of Health andSanitation4th Floor, youyi Building,Brookfields, Freetown – SierraLeoneTel: 232-22-242234. Cell: 232 76601493Email:kuyh@sierratel.slThe Conference RoomMinistry of Health&Sanitation4th Floor, Youyi Building,Brookfield’s,Freetown-SierraLeone


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