招標時間:2005年4月7日招標單位:塞拉利昂教育部招標內容:為21所小學修建教室截止日期:2005年4月13日正文如下:INVITATIONFORBIDS (IFB)National Competitive Bidding (NCB) For Civil Works inPortLoko DistrictSABABU EDUCATION PROJECTDate ofIssuance:21/02/05Contract Identification Number:AnDes/SP/NCB/01.02/2005Bank/Fund Loan number:2100150006965Bank/FundLoan Name: GOSL/IDA.ADB/Education Project1.The Government ofSierra Leone has receive a loan from the AfricanDevelopment Banktoward
the cost of GOSL/IDA/ADB Education projectand intends toapply part of the funds to cover the eligiblepayments under thecontract for civil works in the Western UrbanEast, Freetown.2. TheAnsarul Development Services (AnDes) a serviceProvider (SP) onbehalf of the Ministry of Education, Science andTechnology nowinvites sealed bids from eligible bidders for theconstruction ofthe following:Batch 2LotNo School Location ChiefdomDetion of civilworks Qty Amount5 DEC Primary Royeima SandaMagbololonthor 1.Reconstruction of 3 classroom block office andstore2. Constructionof six VIP Latrine3. Water Well with hand Pump1DEC PrimarySchoolDEC Primary SchoolMakknehMagbati4. Reconstructionof 3classroom block office and store5. Construction of sixCompartmentVIP Latrine6. Water Well with hand pump7.(Reconstruction of 4million classroom block office and store8.Construction of Sixcompartment VIP Latrine9. Water Well with HandPump 19.7 Million6Jss Malekuray Malekuray TMS (i) Reconstruction of3 classroom blockoffice and store(ii) Administrative Block(iii)Construction of SixCompartment VIP latrine(iv) Water Well with HandPump 1DEC PrimarySchool Masineh (v) Reconstruction of 3 ClassroomBlock, Office andstore(vi) Construction of Six Compartment VIPLatrine(vii) WaterWell with Hand PumpBatch 2Lot No. SchoolLocation Chiefdom Detionof civil works Qty Amount of BidSecuritySLMBPrimarySchoolKambiaMokamaTMS (i) Reconstruction of 3classroom Block(ii)Reconstruction of 6 classroom block, office andstore(iii)Construction of Six Compartment VIP Latrine(iv) WaterWell withhand Pump 1(v) Reconstruction of 4 Classroom block, officeandstoreDEC Primary School Robat(vi) Construction of SixCompartmentVIP Latrine(vii) Water Well with hand pump(i)reconstruction of 3classroom block office(ii) Construction of SixCompartment VIPLatrineCommunity Primary School Rosit Makam (iii)Water Well withhand Pump(iv) Reconstruction of 4 Classroom blockoffice andstoreRC Primary School Maron TMS(v) Construction of SixCompartmentVIP LatrineCommunity Primary Schoolmagbapsa (vi) WaterWell withHand Pump(vii) Reconstruction of 4 Classroom block officeandstore(viii) Construction of Six Compartment VIP Latrine(ix)WaterWell with Hand Pump 1Bidders may bid for one or more lots.Biddersquoting for an incomplete lot shall be considered nonresponsive.Completion period beyond 6 months is not acceptable. Tobequalified for the award of contract, the successful bidder mustberegistered with the Ministry of Works and TechnicalMaintenancewith a financial claa3 or above3. Bidding documents (andadditionalcopies) may be obtained at Ansarul Development Services(An Des)Kissy Dockyard (by St Helena Secondary School) Off BaiBureh Road,Freetown Sierra Leone, or at Ansarul DevelopmentServices (AnDes)Officer, No. 24 kambia Road, Port Loko, SierraLeone, for ano-refundable fee of Le150, 000 per set upon submissionof awritten request interested bidders may obtain furtherinformationat the same office.4. Bidders shall be valid for aperiod of 120days after bid opening and must be accompanied bysecurity asspecified in the above table. Bids shall be delivered toAnsarulDevelopment Services (AnDes) Office, No 24 Kambia Road, PortLoko,Sierra Leone on or before 10:00 am, 13/04/2005, at which timetheywill be opened at the same venue in the presence of the bidderswhowish to attend. The Bid Security shall be in the form of aBankGuarantee.Sign:NB: Contractor who have already purchased theirbidsare here by advised to take not of change of date from28/4/05to13/4/2005. For the closing and opening of theirBidding Documentsfor civil works in the Port Loko DistrictAlhaji,TABKamanorDirector of AnDes