6、中華人民共和國農業部、國家質量監督檢驗檢疫總局公告第448號Rules and Other MeasuresoftheMinistry of Commerce
1. Decree No. 10, 2005 of the Ministry of Commerce, theNationalDevelopment and Reform Commission, the State AdministrationforTrade and Commerce of the People’s Republic of China,Promulgatingthe Administration and Implementation Measures onDistributingAutomobile Brand-names
2. Announcement No. 11, 2005 of the Ministry of Commerce,theGeneral Administration of Customs of the People’s RepublicofChina, On Adjusting the First Batch of Catalogue of TextileSubjectto Automatic Export Licensing
3. Circular of the Ministry of Commerce, the StateAdministrationof Taxation of the People’s Republic of China, OnConfirmingWanxiang Lease Co. Ltd. and the Concerned Enterprises asPilotFinancial Lease Enterprises
4. Notification No. 6, 2005 of the Tendering Board ofForeignAssistance Projects of the Ministry of Commerce of thePeople’sRepublic of ChinaDepartment Rules and Other MeasuresofGovernmentDepartments and Local Governments
1. Decree No. 25 of the Ministry of Finance of thePeople’sRepublic of China, Promulgating the Measures forRegistration ofCertified Public Accountant
2. Decree No. 25 of the Ministry of Finance of thePeople’sRepublic of China, Promulgating the Measures forAdministration ofAgent Service on Keeping Accounts
3. Circular of the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry ofScienceand Technology of the People’s Republic of China, OnPrinting andIssuing the Provisional Measures for FinancialManagement ofTechnical Innovation Fund for Science and TechnologyType SMEs
4. Circular of the Ministry of Finance, the StateAdministrationof Taxation of the People’s Republic of China, On TaxIncentivePolicy for Supporting the Development of TFT-LCDIndustry
5. Circular of the Ministry of Finance, the StateAdministrationof Taxation of the People’s Republic of China, OnIssues Concerningthe Enlargement of VAT Offset and Deduction Scopein North-eastAreas of China in 2005
6. Announcement No. 448 of the Ministry of Agriculture,theGeneral Administration of Quality Supervision, InspectionandQuarantine of the People’s Republic of China