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http://whmsebhyy.com 2005年03月16日 08:23 商務部網站

  National commission for privatization

  Invitation to Tender for Purchase/Long

  Leasehold of the

  SLPA Cline Town Marine

  Slipway and Shipyard Facilities

  The Government of sierra leone has agreed are-structuringprogramme with the Sierra Leone Ports Authority underwhich theprovision of non-core services will be offered to theprivatesector. The Cline Town Marine Slipway and Shipyard hasbeenidentified as one of these non-core services.Accordingly,theNational commission for privatization (NCP) hereby invitespartiesinterested in purchasing the fixed assets and entering intoa longleasehold (21 years, subject to a renewal of a further 21years) inrespect of the facilities of the SLPA Cline Town MarineSlipway andShipyard, to registered their interest with NCPRegistered bidderswill:lReceive an Information Memorandum,providing a detion of theexisting slipway and shipyard operationsthe market in which itoperates the history and current status ofoperational assets,organisation and personnel, etc.lReceive anInvitation to Tender(ITT) dossier, outlining the procedures for thesubmission of bidsto purchase the assets and lease thefacility;lHave the opportunityto undertake their own due Diligenceand inspect the slipway andshipyard operations and assetsToregister interest, forward yourregistration fee of Le2, 8000,000(or US$ 1000), payable to”THEEXECUTIVE SECRETARY

  National commission for privatization

  Lotto HouseOAU DriveFreeTownSierra LeoneTel: 232(22)227759/290447/290448Fax: 232 (22)227935Email:arturay@sierratel.slrbsesay@sierratel.slPlease providename andaddress of the prospective tender and indicate “SlipwayandShipyard Registration of interest”Note that only those partieswhohave duly registered their interest will be provided withtheInformation Memorandum, ITT and access to undertake DueDiligenceexercise. Tenders will only be accepted from dulyregisteredbidders.The deadline for the receipt of registration ofinterestfor the purchase of assets and lease of the facilities ofthe SLPACline Town Marine Slipway and Shipyard is 15th April,2005.


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