Invitation for Bid application of Fertilizer
The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia has allocatedforeigncurrency for the importation of fertilizer.
The National Bank of Ethiopia hereby invites allinterestedeligible importe
rs to submit their offers for theimportation of50,000MT+ 15% UREA fertilizer in two lots. Pleasenote that,Insurance will be covered locally by the purchaser withprice to bequoted C & F Djibouti liner out term.
Detailed guidelines and standard bid documents can becollectedagainst payment of non-refundable Birr 400.00 or USD 50.00from theForeign Exchange Statistics and Monitoring Department,NationalBank of Ethiopia located in the Development Bank ofEthiopiapremises.
All eligible importers must submit unconditional proofoffinancial capacity from their bank for the importation ofthefertilizer. Failure to submit their financial proof will lead toanautomatic rejection.
All bids shall be submitted in sealed envelopesmarkedApplication for Foreign Exchange Fertilizer facility IFBNo.NBE/FEFF/ICB/53/2005 and addressed to NBE, ForeignExchangeFertilizer Facility Committee, Addis Ababa.
All bids must be accompanied by a 2% bid bond of the importvaluein an acceptable form such as: CPO, or Bank Guarantee only andmustbe submitted on or before 2:00 P.M. March 22, 2005 which istheclosing and opening date of the tender.
Bids shall be accompanied by overseas suppliers bidsecurityequivalent of USD 1 per MT in the form of BankGuarantee.
Bids shall be opened and read in the presence of bidders ortheirauthorized representatives at 2:00 P.M. on March 22, 2005atForeign Exchange Statistics and Monitoring Department ofNBElocated the 1st Floor of the Development Bank ofEthiopiapremises.
The Bank reserves the center to reject or accept any or all ofthebids.