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http://whmsebhyy.com 2005年02月22日 22:11 商務部網站

  February 2005Company Name IsrAgroContact Person Mr. Yaron Friede-General ManagerAddress Kibbutz Neve Harif, IsraelTelephoneNo.972-8-6358536Fax No. 972-3-6326715E-Mailisragro@isragro.comWebsite www.isragro.comYear of Establishment2004No. of Employees1-10Summary of offer Agriculture management& consultingDetionof offer The company specializes in offeringsolutions andconsulting for administrative and operationalmanagement of mediumand large farms.The company pays particu
larattention to localmethods and their possible combination withadvanced management andwork techniques. Moreover, the companyfocuses on the enhancementof the local techniques bringing them tostandards that will enablethe farm to receive internationalapprovals and certifications,thus facilitating their integration inexport organizations and theaccess to European and other foreignmarkets.ActivityServicesTarget Countries All countriesCompany NameMeimadTranslations and CorrespondenceContact Person Mrs. BrachaGablan,General ManagerAddress 22 Ben-Gurion St., Herzliya,IsraelTelephoneNo. 972-9-9542728Fax No.972-9-9589227E-Mailtranc@netvision.net.ilWeb sitewww.meimad-tirgum.co.ilYear ofEstablishment 1983No. of Employees1-10Summary of offer TranslationservicesDetion of offer The companyperforms professionaltranslation jobs in the most common Europeanlanguages. Itspecializes in legal and business translations, suchascertificates, contracts, leases, sale and employmentagreements,company profiles, feasibility studies, marketing plansandothers.The company has extensive experience inmedicaltranslations, technical translations and balance sheetsandprospectuses. It performs jobs in many combinations of twoforeignlanguages, such as: French-English, English-German, etc.Theofficealso offers translation services for businesspersons thatneed theaccompaniment of a translator to meetings(mainlyEnglish-Hebrew).Activity ServicesTarget Countries WesternEurope,USA, Canada, Latin America, Australia and NewZealand.Company NameGlobal Visions IsraelContact Person Mrs.Yocheved Weiss,DirectorAddress 16 Nachal Netzanim St., Ramat BetShemesh,IsraelTelephone No. 972-2-9911387Fax No.972-2-9921966E-MailChevy@globalvisionsisrael.comWebsiteWww.globalvisionsisrael.comYear of Establishment 2004No.ofEmployees 7Summary of offer Public Relations, AdvertisingandMarketingDetion of offer The company serves as one-stopproviderfor companies looking to promote their products andservicesthrough innovative publicity and marketing. The companyoffers afull suite of advertising, marketing and public relationsservices.A team of seasoned professionals with extensive experiencedealswith clients of all sizes and backgrounds. Frominnovativeadvertising campaigns to extensive marketing efforts,eventplanning, media training and countless other services, thecompanywill ensure that your business or organization receivesextensivepublic attention.Activity ServicesTarget CountriesAllcountriesCompany Name Frank’s BakeryContact Person Mr.BaruchFrank, General MangerAddress 30 Herzel St.,Ashkelon,IsraelTelephone No. 972-8-6750836Fax No.972-8-6755775E-Mailbfrank@walla.co.ilYear of Establishment 1953No.of Employees11-20Summary of offer Manufacture and export of frozendoughDetionof offer The company is a manufacturer of premiumquality frozendough and baked products. They are interested inexporting theirfrozen dough to the Canadian, USA, European andAustralianmarkets.The company specializes in superior frozen doughincludingsugar-free, gluten-free and dough made from special typesofflour.The company supplies dough to over 150bakeries.ActivityExportTarget Countries Canada, USA, UK, France andAustraliaCompanyName High Standard Ltd.Contact Person Mr. AlonChen, ManagingDirectorAddress 8 Hanachal St., Ben Zion 60910,IsraelTelephone No.972-9-7443125Fax No. 972-9-7409123E-Mailalonchen@bezeqint.netWebsite www.promotion-systems.co.ilYear ofEstablishment 2001No. ofEmployees 1-10Summary of offer Promotionand AdvertisingDetion ofoffer High Standard - Promotion SystemsLtd. is a promotion andadvertising agency. The company focuses onTotal Branding Promotionprograms, Marketing Communication andcreative advertising. Thecompany products and services consistsales promotional programs,Point of Purchase display, advertisingand corporate identitydesign.Activity Services and ExportTargetCountries Germany,Austria, Great BritainCompany Name Mono Voice -G.A.R.D.ContactPerson Mr. Guy Fleishman, General ManagerAddress 2Mifratz ShlomoSt, .Holon 58498, IsraelTelephone No.972-3-5566233E-Mailguy_gard@bezeqint.netWebsitehttp://www.matimop.org.il/newrdinf/company/c6452.htmYearofEstablishment 2004No. of Employees 1-10Summary of offerVoiceCompression - Recording and Playing ModulesDetion of offerThecompany has developed a patent pending method and algorithmthatsimplifies the recording process and compresses human voice toahigh degree. The technology enables major cuts in the cost ofanyrelevant voice communication system by reducing the storagememorysize required for voice applications. The technology canbeimplemented in either hardware or software productconfigurations,making it suitable for equipment, such as answeringmachines, callcenters and tape recorders, toys andgifts.ActivityExport/ServiceTarget Countries All countriesCompanyName N.I. TANKISRAEL (2002) LTD.Contact Person Mr. Tal Simchai,GeneralManagerAddress 4 Unichman St. Tel Aviv, POB 2098, Herzeliya46120,IsraelTelephone No. 972-3-7415977Fax No.972-3-7412938E-Mailtal.s@spectank.co.ilWebsitewww.spectank.co.ilYear of Establishment2002No. of Employees1-10Summary of offer Supply of unique cleaningsolution for theprofessional kitchen.Detion of offer The companyhas developed afranchise for marketing a unique cleaning solutionfor professionalkitchen in a number of European countries. Theyare presently activein 5 countries: Germany, Italy, Holland,Norway & Slovakia. Thecompany is looking to expand theiractivities to additionalcountries. Looking for distributors orpartnerships.ActivityExportTarget Countries Europeancountries.Company Name KORKINET(MAYSTER QUALITY PRODUCTS)ContactPerson Mr. Eli BrachaAddress 324Bareket St. Sitriya 76834,IsraelTelephone No. 972-8-9352753Fax No.972-8-9352752E-Maileli@mayster.co.ilYear of Establishment 1996No.of Employees10Summary of offer Baking SheetsDetion of offer Lookingfor Siliconand Quilon baking sheets 41 gr. 40/60CM50/70 CM,60/60CM,50/60CMActivity Import and DistributionTarget CountriesNorway,Germany, FranceCompany Name TELERECE LTD.Contact Person Mr.AviMenasherovAddress 15 Mivtsa Kadesh St., PetachTiqwa,IsraelTelephone No. 972-3-9046440Fax No.972-3-9047476E-Mailavi@telerece.com ; rafis@telerece.comWeb sitewww.telerece.comYearof Establishment 2002No. of Employees 6Summaryof offer Purchase ofrecycling materialDetion of offer The companywould like topurchase auto-spent catalytic converters, industrialcatalysts, carradiators and other material including metals suchas: platinum,palladium, rhodium, aluminum, copper &exc.ActivityImportTarget Countries Asia, Africa, EastEurope.Company NameGRANAT CIVIL ENGINEERINGContact Person Mr. IgalCohen, GeneralManagerAddress 36 Hashikmim St., Hod Hasharon45201,IsraelTelephone No. 972-9-7410831Fax No.972-9-7461314E-MailIgal_enk@netvision.net.ilYear of Establishment2004No. of Employees1-10Summary of offer Building materialsDetionof offer Granat is anewly established company. The Co. isinterested in importingspecial building materials for specialpurposes.The company isinterested mainly in U.S madeproductsActivity ImportTargetCountries U.S.ACompany NameProSpec-Tany Technogene Ltd.ContactPerson Ms. Galit Gotlive,Marketing ManagerAddress Weizman SciencePark, P.O. Box 398, Rehovot76103 IsraelTelephone No.972-8-9409471Fax No. 972-8-9409472E-Mailgalit@prospec.co.ilWebsite www.prospec.co.ilYear of Establishment1991No. of Employees7Summary of offer Purchase RecombinantProteinsDetion of offer Thecompany, a leading Israeli biotechcompany, specializes inproduction of recombinant immunologicals.Would like to purchaserecombinant proteins (cytokines, growthfactors, chemokines,Enzymes…)Activity ImportTarget CountriesChinaCompany Name EasyFreshContact Person Mr. Shay Shabtai,DirectorAddress Kibbutz Osha,POB. 40, IsraelTelephone No.972-54-6616499Fax No.972-4-8435170E-Maileasyfresh@aquanet.co.ilSummary of offer Foodand BeveragesDetion ofoffer The company is a wholesaler,specialized in delivering diversebrands to satisfy the range ofconsumer and retailer needs anddesires. Distribution is based onanswering the unique and personaldemands of each of the 1600retailers all over Israel.The company islooking for internationalpartners who are seeking a partner torepresent their company,brands and products in Israel.ActivityImport


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