加商來函照登Altex is a fabricator of several windowcoverings(especially roller shades) for the East part of Canadasince 1975and we are looking to find Chinese manufacturers that cansell uscomplete rolls of solarshade screen fabric. We would liketoreceive the contact information of only the companiesthatsatisfies these criteria:Company type:Type: Manufacturingcompanydirectly, not an agent or a distributor;Sector: TextileWeaver;Fabric WeaverProducts: Solarshade screen fabri
c for rollerblinds,Solarshade screen fabric for garden furniture, Insectscreenfabric;Materials: PVC coated polyester yarns, PVC coatedfibreglassyarns, Polyolefin yarns, Fibreglass yarns, Acryliccoatedfibreglass yarns, Acrylic coated polyester yarns.Informationwewould like to get from the companies:Product: Productlines,pictures, specs, uses;What we can buy: complete rolls ofscreenfabricCompany: Profile, size, years in business, rankcompared tocompetitors (volume wise and size wise);Market:Geographicallocation for the sales;References: Contact informationof customersthat we cancontact聯(lián)系人:JulienLemire電子郵件:j.lemire@altex.ca特別注明:上述信息系加商向我處咨詢后發(fā)布。對信息本身的真實(shí)性以及求購方資信我處不負(fù)任何法律責(zé)任。建議按照國際貿(mào)易慣例進(jìn)行交易,確保交易安全。