招標時間:2005年1月18日招商單位:塞拉利昂教育部招標內容:世行和非洲發展銀行援助項目——在西部農村地區修建9所學校截止日期:2005年2月21日正文如下:INVITATIONFORBIDS (IFB)NATIONAL COMPETITIVE BIDDING(NCB)SABABUEDUCATIONPROJECTDate of issuance of Bidding Document:19th Decr,2004Contract Identification No: ADRA/SP/NCB/10/2004IDAGrant No:H000SLName: GoSL/IDA/Education ProjectExecuting Agency:Ministry ofEducation, Science and Technology1. The Government ofthe Republicof Sierra Le
one has received a grant from theInternationalDevelopment Association and a loan and a grant fromthe AfricanDevelopment bank towards the cost ofGOSL/IDA/ADB/Education Projectand intends to apply part of thefunds to cover eligible paymentsunder the contract for Civil Worksin Western Rural District.Bidding is open to all eligible countiesas defined in theguideline:2. ADRA Sierra Leone on behalf of theMinistry ofEducation Science and Technology invites sealed bidsfrom eligiblebidders for the Construction/Rehabilitation of thefollowing:LOT NOLOCATION NAME OF SCHOOL DETION OF CIVIL WORKS QTYAMOUNT OF BIDSECURITY1 ALLEN TOWN Baptist Sec. School (a)Construction of 3classroom block 1GRAFTON Baptist Pri. School (b)Construction of 3Classroom block 1HASTINGS Kelly’s Sec. School (c)Construction of 3Classroom block 1(d) Construction of water wells2(e) Constructionof 3 comp. VIP latrine 2 Le3,900,000(f)Construction of 6 comp. VIPLatrine 12 WATERLOO Peninsular Sec. Sch(a) Construction of 3Classroom block(b) Construction of 2 Classroomblock 1WATERLOO RECPrimary School (c) Construction of 3 Classroomblock 1WATERLOO SDAPrimary School (d) Construction of 3 VIP lat. 1Le3,600.000(e)Construction of 6 Comp. VIP latrine 2(f) Constructionof Waterwells 13 JOE TOWNFUFU WATERNEWTONSIX MILE,NEWTON RECPrimarySchoolHuntingdon Pri. SchAhmadiya Pri Sch. (a) Constructionof 3classroom block(b) Construction of 3 classroom(c)Rehabilitation of4 classroom block(d) Construction of 3 comp. VIPlatrine(e)Construction of water wellsLe3,200.000Bidders must quotefor one ormore lots. Bidders quoting for an incomplete lot shallbeconsidered non responsive. Completion period beyond 6 months isnotacceptable. To be qualified for the award of a contract,successfulbidders must be registered with the Ministry of Works andTechnicalMaintenance with financial class 3 or above.3. Biddingdocuments(and additional copies) may be purchased at ADRA SierraLeone, 97AOffice Main Motor Road, Congo Cross Freetown Sierra Leoneor for anon refundable fee of Le150, 000.00 for each set.4. Bidsshall bevalid for a period of 90 days after bid opening and mustbeaccompanied by bid security specified in the above table, andshallbe delivered to ADRS Sierra Leone Congo Cross on or before10:0a.m. on 21st February 2005, at which time they will be openedatthe same venue in the presence of bidders who may wishtoattend.The Bid Security shall be in the form of BankGuarantee