招標時間:2005年1月17日招商單位:塞拉利昂機構改革和人力建設項目協調辦公室招標內容:采購14部摩托車截止日期:2005年2月17日正文如下:InvitationforBidsThe Republic of Sierra LeoneInstitutional Reform andCapacityBuilding Project(IRCBP)SUPPLY OF MOTORCYCLESIFBNoIRCBP/NCB/05/001IDA Grant H086-0 SL1. This invitation forbidsfollows the general procurement notice for the projectthatappeared in Development Business, dated 4 June 2004.2.TheGovernment of the Republic of Sierra Leone h
as received agrantfrom the International Development towards the costofInstitutional Reform and Capacity Building Project, and itintendsto apply part of the proceeds of this grant to payment underthecontract of IBF No IRCBP/NCB/05/001.3. The Ministry of Financenowinvites sealed bids from eligible bidders for the supplyofMotorcycles:DESCRITPION QTYMotorcycles 14Bidders shall quoteforall quantities. Partial bids will be rejected4. Bidding willbeconducted through the National Competitive Bidding (NBC)proceduresspecified in the World Bank’s Guideline: Procurementunder IBRDLoans and IDA Credits, and is open to all bidders formeligiblecountries as defined in the Guidelines.5. Interestedeligiblebidders may obtain further information from theProjectCoordination Unit and inspect the bidding documents at theaddressgiven in graph 7 below from 8.00 a.m. to 5.00.p.m local timeform17 January 2005.6. A complete set of bidding documents inEnglishmay be purchased by interested bidders on the submission ofawritten application to the address below and upon payment ofanon-refundable fee of one hundred and fifty thousand SierraLeoneanLeones (Le150, 000.00). The method of payment will be bycash,Cashier’s Cheques, or Bank Draft to Institutional ReformandCapacity Building Project. Suppliers whose Cheque are found tobeduds shall have their bids rejected. The document will beobtainedpersonally.Bids must be delivered to the address below ator before10.00a.m. GMT on Thursday 17 February 2005. All bids mustbeaccompanied by a Bid Security. Late bids will be rejected.Bidswill be opened in the presence of the bidders’ representativeswhochoose to attend at the Conference Room at the Locationindicatedbelow at 10:00 a.m. GMT on Thursday 17 February2005.Location forpurchase of Bid Documents.Location for thePurchase of bidDocumentsThe Project CoordinatingInstitutionalReform and CapacityBuilding project28 WellingtonStreetFreetownSierra LeoneLocationfor Submission of BidsThe ProjectCoordinating UnitInstitutionalReform and Capacity BuildingProject38 WellingtonStreetFreetownSierra LeoneTelephone: 232-22-229484Facsimile:232-22-229677E-mail: pcu@sl-ircbp.org